Chapter 0.1: Prologue pt 2

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Upon exiting the dorm building, my brother and I were greeted by a pathway that was covered in snow and lots of footprints. The reflection of the sunlight onto the snow was blinding but the two of us walked in the direction the footprints we're headed. As we walked, something finally clicked in my head. I was to refer to my brother as Fate, the name on the sign outside his door, and people should refer to me as Argentum. I was indeed the Ultimate Funeral Director and my knowledge of funeral rites had come flooding back. It was like the snow restored my memories.

We continued walking until we came to a building that read 'Auditorium' and we pushed open the doors, Fate stepped inside before me, almost hiding me from the view of the 14 other students in the room. We scanned the room and I studied the people in the room, subconsciously fitting them for coffins.

One of the taller students caught my eye. She was blonde with purple eyes. Her hair was tipped in cyan, the exact same shade as her oversized hoodie.
When she saw me looking in her direction she waved me over.

I took my time walking over to her, I was definitely nervous, talking to someone dressed in such a blindingly neon hoodie. But as I got closer, I could see she was definitely not paying attention to me.

"Um, hello?" I said to the girl, clearing my throat.

"Um, hello?" I said to the girl, clearing my throat

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She looked up at me, seeming a bit startled. "Oh, hi there. I'm Pixel. I'm the Ultimate Gamer. Wanna hang out later and see if you can beat me?" The girl asked with a big smile. She was holding what looked like a Nintendo Switch in one hand while playing with her headphones with the other.

"I'm Argentum. I'm the Ultimate Funeral Director. It's very nice to meet you. I appreciate the offer. Maybe when we get done with whatever this is, we can explore and maybe I'll beat you at something." I said with a giggle.

As we were talking I heard a commotion coming from the stage. It seemed like an argument between two girls. I didn't pay much attention to it as my attention was now focused on the opposite side of the stage where a podium had risen out from under the stage.

A voice came over a loudspeaker which was situated by the door Fate and I had come through. It was a girl's voice, soft but menacing at the same time.
"Ahem, hello students! Welcome to Violet Academy for Ultimate Students, I'm your principal, HikaKuro. Please enjoy your stay. You'll be here for a while."

"What do you mean we're going to be here a while?!" one of the girls who was bickering on the stage asked. She was very short and wore a neon yellow coat. Her white hair stood out from her hot pink headband with two small horns on it.

The loudspeaker gave no response but the girl wasn't having it

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The loudspeaker gave no response but the girl wasn't having it. She marched over to the podium and spoke into the mic, "Whoever is behind this, I'll have you know my fans won't be happy! I'm supposed to be writing the next chapter of my fanfic right now! My Starshines won't like this."

At her outburst the girl who was on the loudspeaker gave in, "Font is it? I ensure you that you and our Ultimate Novelist will have time to write later. If you skip orientation you'll never know why you haven't been released from the auditorium yet. I'll be there in just a moment to explain the rules." The voice said and the loudspeaker cut out.

This then prompted everyone, excluding myself and an orange haired girl to anxiously look around the room.

A few minutes later, a noise that could only be described as laughter filled the auditorium as the lights dimmed and moved to form a spotlight on the podium on the stage where a figure was rising from below the stage.

A few minutes later, a noise that could only be described as laughter filled the auditorium as the lights dimmed and moved to form a spotlight on the podium on the stage where a figure was rising from below the stage

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When the figure finished rising, the person who was being illuminated was a girl standing at 5' tall.
Her hair was in a long ponytail that had both black and white strands. Her hair matched the bear ears that sat atop her head, one black, one white.
She bore a mischievous smile and seemed excited for what she had to tell us.

"Hello you beautiful humans, welcome to the rest of your eternity! I'm your principal HikaKuro. I may look like I'm around the same age as all of you, and you would be correct! But I was put in charge by one of you. Yes, one of you 16 lovely humans put me in charge of your lives. And I am quite honored that I get to watch you all suffer and come undone while trying to kill each other!" HikaKuro said, her smile getting wider.

I looked around and saw the confusion and panic all over most of the faces in the room. But as HikaKuro spoke, I was calm. Perhaps it was excitement because of my profession, but I wasn't phased.  I looked over at the orange haired girl and we locked eyes, and I suddenly felt a jolt of electricity that sparked from one of my eyes.

I shook off the feeling as HikaKuro spoke again, " Now now, there are rules to this madness. If everyone would please check their pockets, you'll find your Hikapads. These are your electronic handbooks and key cards to access rooms in the academy."

I reached into the back pocket of my shorts and pulled out a small purple tablet-like device that when booted up, gave me details on myself and areas I was allowed to access. Upon further investigation, I found the rules
Violet Academy for Ultimate Students Rules:
1.) HikaKuro is off limits, no harm may come to her at any time. There will be consequences for those who dare harm HikaKuro.
2.) HikaKuro will not directly involved herself in trials and investigations. Nor will she harm any student.
3.) Lights out is at 10pm, the Auditorium and Gym will be locked at this time. Entrance into these areas after hours is prohibited.
4.) Students can access approved areas with their Hikapads but cannot access other student's rooms with their Hikapads.
5.) HikaKuro can add rules at any time
6.) (For your eyes only) You are permitted to access all rooms in the Academy with your Hikapad. You will face no penalties for accessing typically prohibited areas. 

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