Ch 1.2: Daily Life: Frozen Souls/Ch 1.3: Deadly Life: Ice Cold Lust

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I peeked out of my lab and saw Font and Rome outside a lab near mine.
They were definitely arguing over something, but I didn't know what. When I stepped out of my lab to find out, I heard their raised voices.

"I am NOT sharing a lab with her!" Font said, pointing at Rome.

"I CAN'T share a lab with HER, she's a wannabe! She's not a real writer," Rome yelled back in response.

"Font, Rome, relax. The more you get worked up, the faster the cooling agent goes through your system." I heard the already familiar voice of HikaKuro say as she had Aurum drag Rome away from Font, who was restrained by Monarch. " The Writer's Den is for both of you to share. Therefore you can close the curtain and pretend the other doesn't exist," the bear eared girl who was our supposed principal said with a small giggle.

The two bickering girls seemed to like this solution and headed back into their respective sides of the Writer's Den, both slamming their doors.

After that I went back to my lab and looked around while using my telescope to look at the stars and find which constellations are in the sky.

Before I knew it, it was 10pm, and that meant the evening announcement from HikaKuro.
I dutifully headed back to my room, shivering the entire time, praying we'd all be able to get warm tonight.

*Ding dong bing bong*
"Rise and Shine sleepyheads, another day has spawned. It's 7 am, meaning it's not nighttime anymore! Let's get moving or you're all gonna freeze."
That was my rude wakeup call for the morning after we had been given our wristbands. We had one more day to see if anyone would kill. And I was hoping nobody would actively give in to despair.

And as I headed to breakfast, I scanned the lower floor's doors and as I got to Aurum's I noticed that it was covered in tiny bears. I thought it was funny because HikaKuro has a similar bear motif.
I shook the thought from my mind and entered the cafeteria where everyone was talking excitedly.

"What's all the excitement about?" I asked Echo as I sat down next to her.

"I'm holding a concert tonight in the auditorium. Something to keep our minds off the body heat zapping wristbands we're all wearing," she said, handing me a hand written invite.

I took it and smiled, "Thanks. I'll definitely be there," I said, looking at the invite's neatly looped letters:
'You're invited to a private concert.
Echo the Ultimate School Idol will be performing tonight at 8pm in the auditorium. This invite is your ticket.'
I shoved the invite in my jacket pocket and grabbed a bagel before heading to my lab, Cirrus wasn't too far behind me. We chatted a bit on the way to our shared lab, the Sparkle Box, and we decided we could keep our curtain open, considering we were becoming fast friends.

We entered our shared lab from Cirrus' door and we both did our own thing until about 7:30 when we heard something  we never thought we'd hear.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered! Everyone please head to the auditorium to begin the investigation! After a certain period of time, which to may use however you like, our first class trial will begin!"

*Ding dong, bing bong*"A body has been discovered! Everyone please head to the auditorium to begin the investigation! After a certain period of time, which to may use however you like, our first class trial will begin!"

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That was all HikaKuro said as I stared at her. She seemed to have so many outfits at her disposal, I was always left guessing what she'd be wearing in her announcements.

But, heeding her announcement, we went to the auditorium where we were greeted by three girls, Echo, Font and Monarch.

"Nova, Cirrus, thank goodness you're here. We were getting ready for Echo's concert when we saw her sleeve from behind the curtain. I-it's so scary. Who would have done such a thing?" Echo said, leading us over to the curtain that hid backstage from the audience.

It was there that I saw it, the body of Rome, who had been at breakfast earlier that morning.

As I studied Rome's corpse, Argentum came up next to me, her hands gloved and she seemed excited.

"Oh boy, looks like I'm finally useful," she said, examining Rome for any signs of struggle.

While Argentum inspected the body, HikaKuro appeared.

"To shed some light on the death of the Ultimate Novelist, I've brought you my HikaKuro File.  It'll tell you everything. Even her real name. Anyway, I've got some business to attend to. I'll see y'all at the class trial, toodles!"
With that, HikaKuro left us, after handing Aurum the HikaKuro File.

She read it before handing it to me.


Victim: Ultimate Novelist, Codename: Rome, Real Name: Dallas Conte

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 4'11

Cause of Death: Impact fractures to the skull from a high fall. Other injuries are a few scratches on her wrists and broken limbs and neck  from the fall.

Time of Death: Roughly four hours ago.

I kept reading the file over and over again, trying to understand who would do such a thing. While I was deep in thought, Argentum took the HikaKuro File from me and read it.

"I see. She wasn't dead when she fell. She died because of the fall." She said, writing notes in her notebook that she seemed to procure from thin air.

As I looked around, I saw Echo, Font and Monarch looking around the stage, searching for clues.

I decided that joining them wasn't such a bad idea.

"Hey, so have you guys found anything yet?" I asked the girls who discovered the body.

Monarch shook her head, "Nothing yet. But my Dark Devas of Destruction have found something," she said, holding out a piece of black fabric. It looked expensive, as if it were from a suit.

I took a note of the fabric in the notes section of my Hikapad and continued looking for evidence.

After a few minutes, Argentum called me over to the stairs that led to the catwalk. I was nervous but I went over to the Ultimate Funeral Director.

"So, Dallas fell right? That means the only place she could have fallen from was the catwalk. We should investigate up there," the short, black and purple haired girl said with a smile.

I looked at her green eyes, they were sparkling with a sort of hope that her theory would be right. And so I agreed to join her on her investigation of the catwalk.

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