Chapter 1.4: Deadly Life: Ice Cold Lust pt.2

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As Argentum and I made our way to the catwalk, we searched the stairs for any clues, such as footprints that might be useful to our investigation. 

Once we got to the catwalk, I noticed a small piece of paper on the ground, it had a very neat but also kinda messy handwriting, it seemed like the kind of handwriting an author would have, meaning it was probably written by Dallas, or Font, our other writer. I carefully picked up the note and showed it to Argentum, who studied it and nodded. "Looks like Dallas was more apart of her own demise that we originally thought. This will come in handy later," she said, putting the note in a plastic bag and tucked it in her shorts pocket. 

We then scoured the catwalk some more before moving on after not finding anything useful besides the piece of note signed with Rome's codename. As we were leaving the auditorium, we ran into Fate and Caution who had been working with Chord to investigate the dorms to find any info that might be useful. Upon meeting up with them, Fate presented us with a bit more of the letter written by Dallas to her potential killer, it seemed to be a confession of sorts and definitely felt true to her romance novelist career. "We felt this was important, so we wanted to give it to you guys, due to you seeming to be the leads in this investigation," Caution said, handing me the piece of paper with Dallas' neat but messy penmanship. I smiled at the Ultimate Detective and passed Argentum the paper to put with the other piece. 

The five of us then decided to check the Writer's Den for clues, since there was a known feud between the two writers during the time we have all been together. As we walked we talked about our theories on who we believed was the culprit.

"In all honesty, Slate has been pretty quiet and didn't even bother to show up to check out Dallas' body when the discovery announcement was made," Chord said, running his fingers through his fluorescent purple hair. 

"That is a good point, Slate has been extremely quiet since the body discovery, he was even quiet at breakfast. Although Slate is a generally quiet person, much like Fate here, he's very easy to miss if you aren't actively searching for him," Argentum said, opening the door to the Writer's Den on Dallas' side. 

When we entered Dallas' part of the lab she shared with Font, it was clear that this girl was anything but ordinary, even for an ultimate. Her side of the curtain was dark red with a scissors and roses motif, it was definitely romantic, but very dark. I could tell each lab was meant to make the student occupying it feel at home. And Dallas would have definitely felt cozy here. We soon got over the décor and began our search of the lab, splitting up into two teams, Caution, Argentum and I explored Dallas' side while Fate and Chord explored Font's side, scouring the entire joint lab for clues. But before we could report out findings, we heard a dreadful sound, the monitors in the lab turned on.

*ding dong, bing bong* 

"Alright kiddos! That's enough looking around! It's time to make your way to the big pink door by the dining area and hop into the elevator. It'll take ya to the Trial Grounds! I hope you enjoy the ride, I'll see ya there!" The familiar face and voice of HikaKuro said, the monitor turning off and the five of us did as instructed, noticing along the way that none of us were shivering anymore. 

Pretty soon all 15 of us that were left made it to the door and it slowly opened to reveal a large elevator that could fit us all. We all filed in and the door closed, beginning its descent to the trial grounds.

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