Chapter 9: Winter Wonderland

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I agree, it's been an awfully long time, way too long, since I've last updated, a chapter that is. It's just being in Year 11, there's constant revision and this story isn't my number one priority.

But now that GCSEs are over (last one was yesterday) and I've technically left school, I have a lot of time on my hands, let's just say writing is slowly crawling back to the top of my to-do list.

Right then, here we go X


So people do live here.

No joke, but I really didn't believe anyone else would choose to live in the forest, I mean, I thought it was only the Hastings that were weird enough to live here, but other people, a whole village's worth living here, that's weird.

Why would anyone want to live in a forest?

I love nature and all, but there aren't any shops, you're isolated from the rest of the world, and it's just scary. Nothing good ever happens in a forest.

Where are horror films always set?

Shuddering from my morbid thoughts, I surveyed the scene in front of me.

I was standing at the edge of what seemed to be some sort of winter fair, Aaron close behind me.

It was magical to say the least and buzzing with locals.

I think this is the most life I'm going to see during these holidays, might as well make the most of it right?

And with that we stepped into the clearing.

I hope they have some food...



I turned around to see a boy of around seven running straight at me as his friends chased him with snowballs that had already began to crumble in their tiny hands.

Quickly I ducked down in an attempt to avoid the white mush that was now hurtling in my direction...

Only to have it explode in a cloud of white ash all over my face.

In the distance, I could hear three or four sets of laughter ringing through the frosty air.

Annoyed at my stupidity, I stumbled to my feet, glaring at the three munchkins giggling at me.

Their faces immediately dropped and within seconds they were gone.

Hah. Who's laughing now?

Suddenly, Aaron materialised next to me. "Told you it'd be fun," a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Did you not just see that?" I shrieked, gasping in disbelief.

"I did."

You've got to be kidding me, seriously?

So without another word, I turned on my heel and stalked off, like the moody teenager I was and went to explore the winter wonderland, Aaron's chuckles drifting through the crowds behind me.


Golden light flooded the clearing, giving the fair a warm, welcoming glow.

Falling gracefully from the milky sky were fluffy snowflakes which coated the ground with a heavy layer of sugar dust.

And amidst this wonderland were clusters of people, each individual brightening up the bleak landscape.

To my right was a Santa's Grotto, where herds of children spilled out, whereas to my left was a large skating rink where young couples and lone visitors braved the ice.

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