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It was now time for the sorting, the quadrette were now staring around the great hall, in awe of all the decorations.

The first students had already been called up, but now...


Draco strutted up the stairs, and turned to sit down, the hat was barely placed on his head when; "SLYTHERIN!"

a couple people later...


Pansy walked up the stairs and sat delicately down on the stool.

The hat took a couple minutes to decide.


Wow. What a shock. Harry is so shocked. Crazy.


Harry walked up the stairs, he could see everybody whispering, many of the teachers sat up to watch him. One teacher caught his eye, a pale, frail looking man with purple robes and a black turban. He and Harry made eye contact briefly, and in a split second, Harry could see that his eyes changed. Glowing red. As quick as they came, they left.

Harry sat down on the stool.

'Why. Hello. You must be young Potter'

'Potter-Black. But yes, I am.'

'You have quite the special mind, quite a bit of bravery here; but you think before you act. You could do well in slytherin, ambitious.. great goals. Hufflepuff, you're greatly loyal and kind. Ravenclaw.. a thirst for knowledge. So like your mother. How is she?'

'Sir.. She's dead.' Harry panicked.

'Ah young man, you cannot trick me. I can literally look inside your mind.'

'But you won't tell?'

'No, of course not.' The hat pause.

'I've made my decision, but first, How is your father and his friends? Oh how they made me laugh! You know they let a dung bomb off once during the ceremony!'

'Unfortunately, he still does things like that.' Harry replied with a sigh, shaking his head sarcastically.

The hat let out a hearty laugh.

'Right. I expect big things from you, marauding and power. You'll find that in... SLYTHERIN!"

Harry smiled as he took the hat off. Just what he wanted :)

He went and sat down at the table, he could tell the head teachers were disappointed, even his own. But the teacher with the turban looked intrigued, not that Harry saw.

Lastly, Blaise was placed into slytherin too.

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