a short conversation

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"Oh we forgot to say... someone's been staying with your parents." Sirius mentioned when they arrived.

"Who? Not in my room right?" Harry suddenly panicked.

"No prongslet, not in your room." Came a voice.

Harry turned to find his father.. His mother was making tea.

"Hi dad! Hi mum!"

"Hi darling, how are you? Have a good trip?" Lily asked.

"It was good, i'm really hungry though!"

"Dinner's almost ready, why don't you go get settled and we'll call you when it's ready."

Harry shot off.

"How should we tell him he's here?"

"He'll see when we're eating... that should be okay, right? He won't be mad that we didn't tell him??" James asked, eyes widened.

"I mean... i don't know about that, but as long as he sees we're not mad at him, he shouldn't be." Lily reasoned.

a/n: sorry the chapters are really short but there's a long one coming up in 1 chapter :)

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