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It was now Christmas break, the boys and Pansy were sat in their compartment playing chess and reading. They were almost at King's cross.

The term classes had passed very quickly, Dumbledore had filled every student's brain with knowledge, some willingly and others grudgingly (mostly slytherins).

Harry was super excited to go home and see his parents and godparents, as well as hearing from voldy.. He hadn't been able to stay in contact with him as Dumbledore had started monitoring mail.

Someone was paranoid.

A little while later, The Hogwarts Express pulled into platform 9 3/4, Harry scrambled to get his stuff, and he and the others walked out and respectively found their families.

Sirius and Remus were there waiting for him, his parents had obviously decided to stay home..

"Hey prongslet!"  Sirius yelled.

"Hi padfoot!" Harry greeted, as he shook his head at the excitement in his godfather's voice.

"Hi moony!" Harry chirped happily when he saw Remus.

"Hi kiddo—" 

"Hey! Why do you seem more excited to see Moony than me???" Sirius asked incredulously.

"Nevermind that! I just want to go home."

"Alright kiddo, let's go." Remus said,
and with a spin and a pop, they landed in the Potter's residence in Ireland.

Sirius having to follow behind on his own, mumbling something about favouritism or something, Harry wasn't sure.

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