And I Would Teleport 1,000 Miles, and I Would Teleport 1,000 More

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"You brought Charlie to a Santa themed park??" Dad woke me up the next morning, shaking my bed. "What made you think that was a good idea??"

"Did Neal call you?" I yawned and sat up groggily.

"Yes, "Neal called me", and he's very concerned! Why would you bring him there of all places?"

"It was cheap and had good reviews!" I defended myself, "Tell Neal not to think so hard about it. Charlie knows that it's just a theme park and nothing else!"

"Angie, he thinks I brainwashed my son!" He was frantically pacing around the room, his arms tucked neatly behind his back.

"Let me talk to them, it was my idea to bring him to a park, not you." I slid out of bed, "Just calm down, it's going to be fine! Neal is just doing his weird judgy thing where he hyperanalyzes things and-" I went to grab my phone but his words cut me off.

"They want to take Charlie away from me, actually, legally! You just need to be careful!" Dad grabbed my shoulders, interrupting me. I could see the panic in his eyes.

"You mean... they're actually wanting to do that?" I asked softly, taken aback. I knew it was a possibility, but hearing those words come out of his mouth meant it was real.

"Laura and Neal have been threatening to go to court about my custody." Dad sat down on the edge of my bed. "They say that if I keep up this whole Santa thing, they aren't going to let Charlie come around at all."

"That's why you've been going to go to their house to see him?"

Dad nodded. "They don't think it's a good idea that I'm alone with him."

"I'm sorry..." I said after a quiet moment. "I just wanted to give Charlie more opportunities to talk about everything and ask questions."

"I understand, you just need to be careful and think things through! For me, and for you! I can't lose Charlie too." His voice sounded very broken and full of emotions. It wasn't often that I saw him like this.

"Dad I just don't know what we're supposed to do! Charlie knows about it, whether we'd like him to or not. And we are both changing, we can't hide that. Soon we'll have to leave, and that's going to look even worse. It's not only hard for Charlie, but it's hard for me to pretend that everything is normal, I can't do that. You can't do that!" It was difficult, I wanted to make my dad feel better, but there was always the truth that we couldn't avoid.

"We just have to pretend for a little longer!" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Can't you just show off some of your Santa powers so they know it's real and stop messing with you??"

"That breaks the Secret of Santa rule. Bernard made it clear that I couldn't do that." Dad shook his head with a defeated sigh. "It's alright kid, we'll find something to make this work. Laura and Neal need to believe for themselves before I can do anything... and I'm technically not "actually" Santa until I get to the North Pole, so I'm limited on magic anyways."

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"And no, before you ask, you using your magic in front of them also counts as part of that rule."

I frowned, "Fine. I just don't think it's fair that they get to act like that when they have no idea what's actually going on."

"I know, kid." Dad put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder."

Dad walked downstairs, and a second later, I heard him mutter. "Great" under his breath. "Angie, Bernard is here," He yelled upstairs with a slightly agitated voice before opening the front door. "Oh hey Benson, you're here early. She's upstairs."

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now