Birthday Dinner Bash

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"Well, Scott, you sure weren't over exaggerating when you mentioned the Canadians being short."

The three of us had just finished giving my grandparents the whole... "Toy Shop" tour the following day. The four of us were walking through the elf village, as Bernard explained each building's backstory. Elves kept stopping in their steps and staring at the two new humans at the North Pole; many of whom had probably never seen a human again.

"This town sure loves toys." Grandpa Cormac nodded approvingly, "Although it is strange how your toy shop here is the center of everything, almost as if the whole town revolves around it... There are banks... and a courthouse, yes?" He asked after yet another small trailer of toys was driven by us on a little lawn mower-looking car.

Dad opened his mouth, pausing as if he didn't actually know the answer for certain, so looked to Bernard for an explanation. Bernard looked off into the distance, avoiding his gaze, also obviously trying to think of a reason why we had a gigantic toy shop with living quarters, and a fancy quart yard with a very fancy fountain smack middle of the whole town. Eventually, Bernard also looked at me with his mouth slightly open, hoping I can say something.

"Yes, we totally have all of those." I said, crossing my fingers behind my back, hoping we did actually have some of those things in case he asked to see them, but instead he just shrugged and kept walking. "Was that so hard?" I nudged their arms, both of them relieved that I actually said something.

"I'm sorry, after my years of running things perfectly smoothly and training you in everything you know, I have one moment where I freeze up?" Bernard gave me a sarcastic glare, and I grabbed his hand. He still pretended to be annoyed with me but I squeezed it three times anyway.

"So how long have you two been together?" My grandma slowed down and walked with me, eyeing our hands.

"Oh, uh," I thought for a moment, "About a month now." I smiled. Technically officially it hadn't been that long, but since Christmas, I decided it counted.

"How sweet," She smiled, "How did you meet?" She was looking at Bernard curiously.

"We... I'm one of the head managers at the toy company. I met Angie last year when Scott came to check out the job offer." He said the name "Scott" with great pain.

I was glad he had a better "excuse" for how we met than the reason why all of Canada revolved around a toy workshop.

I nodded. "We got to know each other over the year as... he would fill me in about the toy shop. Since I knew I was going to be working for Dad, he had to train both of us."

"Well that's nice, dear." She grinned, "How I love young love. I still remember how Cormac looked during that spring dance in seventh grade. I asked him to go with me. I told him that if he didn't go with me I wouldn't go at all. His poor soft heart felt so bad that he accepted. It was an awkward night though, neither of us knew how to dance and we kept avoiding each other's eyes." She chuckled. "He's younger than you, right? By what, a year or two? He still has that teenage baby face," She whispered the last part to me with a laugh.

I tried not to laugh too obviously, but it was very true, although it was still one of the things I loved about him.

"Actually I'm older," Bernard obviously heard her whispering and my face trying not to grin, and gave me an unamused look. He would have directed it at my grandmother too, but since Dad told him to tone down his grouchiness with those who were not young children, he instead directed it at me.

"Oh really? By how much?"

"You'd actually be surprised," I smiled at her.

"Angie!" I heard Charlie's little (slightly whiny as normal) voice call out to me as we returned to the steps of the Workshop, thankfully interrupting our conversation so I wouldn't have to continue "why" she would be surprised. Curtis and Judy were standing with him, apparently waiting with him until we returned.

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now