Where The Gnome King's Fiancée Has a Love Affair With an Elf

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I slammed my head backward, hitting the stone wall behind me. It was a sad cell, pathetic really; small, dark, kinda stinky, and with a little bit of hay on the stone cot. Rusted iron bars lined one wall, and the rest were cold, gross, slightly discolored stone.

"Are you going to talk yet?" The tiny red gnome, Jormop, ran a stick along the bars of my cell, echoing a clicking noise through the room. "Our dear leader will give you a proper room as soon as you tell us the importance of the... "Fancy Orbs" that you call "snow globes". He said as if a snow globe was some sort of code name.

"Maybe let me out first, then we can talk." I spat in his direction, causing him to shriek in disgust. "It's not nice to keep visitors in jail you know."

Jormop sneered, "You elves think you are so entitled. You've been overshadowing us for too long. Like it or not, our kind and generous King has chosen you. As soon as you tell us your secrets he will reward you greatly." He jabbed at me with the pointed stick but I kicked it away.

Marrying a disgusting gnome was not my idea of being "rewarded greatly"... I was in a lot of trouble.

12 Hours Earlier:

The gnome village was strange, all the buildings and structures were small, and the houses were quite shabby and dilapidated, but in the middle of the streets of small shacks, was a large courtyard with a fountain. The fountain contained a large stone-cut carving of King Felpip, about two times elongated and more muscular than his regular size, the scepter in his hand shooting out several streams of water.

I could imagine that even on the bright sunniest of days, the village would still look very sad.

"Do you think that the scepter is compensating for something?" Dad whispered, causing me to groan, disgusted that I had to even think about the King in that sort of way. "You know- Because it's so much taller than him and that usually means-"

"I know- I know what it means, Dad." I gave him a grossed-out look.

Behind the fountain was a surprisingly large and well-cared-for castle. These stone walls were well-washed, clean, and almost shiny; the complete opposite of how the rest of the village looked. We took hidden allies and snuck into the shadows of the buildings to stay out of sight, but it became increasingly apparent that there was no need to do so. Not a single gnome was around.

We crept closer to the castle, knowing the King probably had our stolen goods inside somewhere... as well as the rest of the gnomes.

Loud music, clanking, and drunken cheering could be heard from within the tall oak doors. We all ducked down, Kenny and the E.L.F.S moving forward to scout out the area. Kenny eventually ushered us forwards, and we all stayed out of sight by keeping away from the windows.

There was a particularly large square window close to the ground to us. It looked easy enough to climb through using the castle stone as a ladder. I took a quick glance inside, and, although I slightly expected to see it, I was still surprised at what I saw.

So. Many. Gnomes.

Everywhere, all partying, all dancing, all drunk. The room was full of tiny bobbing swaying little men... and possibly women too, but it was hard to tell as they all looked so similar.

All around our pile of magical snow globes. They were all glowing, but dimmer than usual, which made sense, as gnomes weren't necessarily magical creatures, just annoying ones.

"Kenny, what's the plan?" Dad whispered.

"I think we should wait until the party dies down," Kenny responded. "We definitely can't storm in right now-"

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now