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Raman stood up and opened the door and saw Shagun at the doorstep. "Why are you here?" he asked folding his arms on his chest. "To meet my children, of course," she said somewhat emotional. "Who said they are your children? They are my children only, my and Ishita's children, what right do you have on them? And what right did you ever have on them? Neither did you ever wanted me nor your children, admit it that you didn't want any of them, you just gave birth and left all of them, Adi, Ruhi and Pihu as well," he said.

 "Who said they are your children? They are my children only, my and Ishita's children, what right do you have on them? And what right did you ever have on them? Neither did you ever wanted me nor your children, admit it that you didn't want any o...

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"Raman? I suffered all the pain to give them birth," she said, Ruhi, Adi and Pihu came outside hearing the voices. "Come on, who becomes a mother just by giving birth? You are right that you suffered pain, but Ishita took care of all their pains and their smile afterwards, so you weren't ever their mother, just their birth giver. First you spoilt Adi to such an extent that he didn't respect his elders, let alone me. Ishita reformed him, not you. And then, you left little Ruhi when that poor girl was just six years old, too young to suffer this trauma, and then? Then what happened? You lived with Ashok for bloody six years Shagun bloody six years, and what happened in those six years? Ishita took care of little Ruhi, she saved her from that trauma," Raman said.

 And then, you left little Ruhi when that poor girl was just six years old, too young to suffer this trauma, and then? Then what happened? You lived with Ashok for bloody six years Shagun bloody six years, and what happened in those six years? Ish...

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"Raman...," she was cut in between. "Shut up, I am not done with talking yet," he said sternly and Adi, Ruhi and Pihu looked on. "You took Adi along but you didn't care for poor Ruhi at all, she was dumped by you, and then when Pihu was born and Ishita wasn't there, you did take care of Pihu I agree, I really do, but... When it was your friend's wedding, you left her behind with a maid Shagun? A maid? Are you for real? Do you have any idea what would have happened? Its good that we got to know everything and Pihu was removed from your house, and the biggest news is that now she realized you never loved her, and that she is Ishita's daughter, she knows all of it, and nothing would make her love you all over again, see, none of them wants you to be their mother. Remember once you indirectly disowned them? You disowned Adi when you ran away after leaving him and Ruhi in fire, remember or do I need to refresh your memory? That was an indirect disowning by you. You left Ruhi behind for Ashok, that was an indirect disowning by you as well. Then, you left Pihu for your friends wedding, that was also an indirect disowning by you, now they have disowned you, you didn't want them then, and they don't need you now," he said. Shagun folded her hands in front of him. "Raman, let me meet them just for once, I promise to never trouble you again for anything, I heard Ruhi's song and it wasn't only Ruhi's emotion but Pihu and Adi's emotion as well, please," she said pleading him.

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