Daddy daughter date pt2

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Ik I post a lot lmao, but this is my pass time lmao.

Devon's POV:

It's Dad daughter day today! This time it's my turn to take Frank out somewhere, since she's only 5 she's not hard to impress.

I'm going to take her to a little fairly garden that opened up a week ago, then go a toy shop and MacDonalds.

I wake up early as usual, and see my husband fast asleep, he's so perfect in his sleep, his arms are around my waist, holding me tightly.

I slide out of his grip and slowly make my way to the kitchen for coffee.

As soon as I sit down to drink my hot coffee, Frankie walks into the room.

"Dad!" She says, walking up to the couch and curling into my side.

"Hey pumpkin" I yawn and sip my coffee.

"You excited for our day together?" I smile at my youngest daughter.

"Very! Where are we going?" She looks at me with her messy hair.

"The new fairy garden, then the toy shop, then MacDonalds for lunch" I smile at her.

We talk about 5 year old things for a while before my oldest daughter comes Into the room, looking tired.

"Morning sleepy head" I chuckle at my daughter.

"Morning dad" and yawns and gets herself some breakfast.

"Do you know what you and daddy are doing today?" I ask her, putting my cup in the sink.

"Yeah! We're seeing The Black Phone 2, then getting lunch and shopping" she says excitedly.

"Sounds fun sweets!" I say.

"Frankie? Do you and you're sister want to wake Daddy up?" I ask Frank and Lil.

They both smirk and each other then run to our room, Sorry bebe.

Frankie's POV

Dad let us wake daddy up, it's so fun when he does!

Me and lily run to our parents room and jump on our daddy.

"WAKE UPPP!!" I scream in his ear.

"WAKE UP BABE ITS ME! DEVON" Lily does a horrible Dad impression.

We giggle at our daddy rolling around annoyed.

"go away girls!!" Daddy whines.

"Where's dad? Go annoy him" he sighs and lays back down.

"He told us we can wake you up" I tell him, rolling all over him.

"Ughh" he sighs and gently pushes me off.

"Frank, it's come to this... time to roll him off the bed" Lily says dramatically.

"Agreed sister" I say just as dramatically, daddy whines and hangs on to his head board.

Me and Lily start trying to push him off, we aren't strong enough tho.

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