Posting soon!!!!

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Helloooo everyoneeee! I'm sorry I'm taking so long. I'll post the next part soon! School got me really busy so I haven't been able to upload much but i'm sure I could post a bit in this winter break. I already started writing the next part so I guess i'm getting somewhere. I haven't been able to go on wattpad and check how far i've got my story. I just checked today and now i'm crying all over my bed. HOW DID THIS THING GET number 12 in #izukumidoriya????? I never thought people would actually end up liking this so much. Thank you guys for waiting and supporting me for so long. I'm really sorry i've been gone for a really long time but i'll be back soon with another part! Remember, I won't discontinue this story! 

I hope you guys have a great christmas and happy holidays! Have a juice box!!!! 💚 🧃

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