<chapter 1>

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                              Griffin's POV:

It was a chilly autumn evening and I was hanging out with Vance and Bruce in our shared bedroom. "I'm bored...!" I stated in a annoyed tone. All of Vance and Bruce's flirting makes me sick! "Okay? Then go call one of your friends?" Vance responded to me. "Nooooo!" I whisper shouted back at my blonde haired brother. "Haha" Bruce giggled. "Don't laugh at me!"
I yelled angrily at Bruce. "Sorry! Sorry!" The black haired boy said back to me. "I'm thirsty do y'all want anything?" I asked "yeah I-" Vance said. "I was talking to Bruce not you rat!" I interrupted. "Uhg." Vance scoffed."Now as I was saying, Bruce would you like anything from the kitchen?" I asked. "Oh um no thanks!" Bruce said. "Okay I'll be right back then." I said.  {Knocking}
"Hm! Someone is at the door." I said to myself walking over to the door. I opened the door to see my friend Amy who is also Bruce's little sister "Oh! Hey Amy what's up?" I said to my friend. "My mom told me that she needs Bruce to come home for some reason." She responded quietly. Amy was nothing like her brother she wasn't sporty or popular or talkative, she was more like me she would rather skateboard rather than play a sport and she didn't have many friends other than me, her brother, Gwen and Donna and she's quite and prefers to be by herself. "Okay! Come inside he's just upstairs!" I said to my friend. "Mmkay!" She said entering my home and following me up the stairs and to me and Vance's shared bedroom. "Oh hey Amy what's up!" Bruce said to his little sister. "Mom says it's time for you to come home." "Awe man... Well can Vance come with at least!" Bruce said, sad to go home. I mean I don't blame him. It was only 7:30. "I don't know you will have to call and ask her." Amy stated. "Okay!!!" Bruce yelled loudly causing an echo in our bedroom. "Jeez calm down Bruce." Vance said to his 'best friend'. "Yeah Brucey, calm down!" I said. "Don't ever call me that ever again!" Bruce retaliated. "Okay sorry...." I said sarcastically. "You better be." Bruce said back calling his mother. "Hey mom!" "Hello Bruce!" His mother responded. "Is it okay if my friend Vance comes to the house?" Bruce asked sweetly. "Yes of course!" His mother said kindly. "Yay thanks momma!" "Of course baby!" His mother responded. "Jeez you sound like a baby!" I said as Bruce told Vance what to bring with him. "Whatever." He said and the three headed towards the stairs. And after about 4 minutes the trio was put the door. Then another 10 minutes later I texted Amy to make sure they got home safe.

Griffin Stagg & Amy Yamada private chat

Griffin: hey amy did yall get home safe
Amy: yep we good
Griffin: alr good cya tmrw
Amy: yep ttyl
Griffin: ttyl

We texted each other. "Uhg there is nothing to do." I moaned. "Fuck it I'ma just go to the park." I said to myself, packing a bag and changing my clothes to go to the park.

    <It looks like this>

    <It looks like this>

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