<Chapter 10>

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Also listen to TV by Billie Eilish while you read this

Griffin's POV:
It was the next day. I still can't believe that I kissed Billy last night. Everyone is gone. I'm all by myself. But that's normal. I'm usually alone anyway. But right now.... I need to be with someone. I'm not just alone, I'm.... Lonely. Everything hurts. Life sucks. I'm tired. I want to die. "Fuck..." I groaned getting up and heading to my bathroom. I turned in the shower and let it get hot. I opened the cupboard without any intention of doing anything while I waited for the shower to heat up. The I saw it.... My old blades....... I picked one up with out thinking, a sudden flashback to.... Bad times....

FLASHBACK: "ARE YOU STUPID?!" My father shouted at me. "N-no no sir." I said stuttering. "DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK?!" He yelled. I shook my head no. "Dumb f@g." He yelled at me, slapping me across the face. "Go to your room." He said. "Yes sir." I responded frightened

End of flashback.

Tears began to stream down my reddened cheeks. I put the blade to my leg and gave myself a little bit of time to breathe before sliding the blade across my thigh. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. I counted as I cut my leg. The blood pouring out quickly. "Nhg! Fuck!" I yelped. It hurt. I stood up and got into the shower. "Nhg!" I groaned as the hot water caused the fresh cuts to sting. I finished my shower, stepped out and wrapped myself with a towel, staring into the mirror. Still upset but feeling better. "Fuckkk..." I groaned and I left the mirror to go put on clothes. Once I was dressed I played back into my bed and grabbed my phone and began scrolling TikTok. After a little while of scrolling I fell asleep, my phone still on the video of Donna getting ready for the day.

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