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Hey pookies I just want to come on here and say that I'm ending this story bc I've kinda lost interest in tbp as well as my motivation to add to this story I'm sorry however I won't delete it so you can still read it. But on the plus side I might make a new fic that I will update more often it will either be Scream (Stuilly/MindyxAmber) or Chucky (Jevon). I will continue reading and interacting with all of you and you guys can always talk to me! I will publish all of the unfinished bits of this and continue updating my chisme book frequently as well as post frequent updates Abt and upcoming fics/chapters also this may no be the total end bc I might come back to add to this book eventually if I feel like it. Please remember that I love all of you guys and that you can always talk to me if you need to, I love you so much, goodbye

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