<chapters 5>

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                                Griffin's POV:
We hung out by the sidewalk for a little bit talking a little bit, but our legs got tired so we walked over to the tower, climbed up the stairs and sat down on the holey floor of the tower talking about classes and other stuff.

                                Billy's POV:
I talked to Griffin happily knowing that it would help me get closer to him. Still curious about what he ment earlier, though I shouldn't be because that's his business. He did mention needing to leave a few times but I managed to drag out the conversations as much as I could I mean..... I was talking to my crush!!! But eventually the time came where he did need to leave. Which was funny because it was the same time Donna arrived, once he saw Donna he hopped of the tower and walked towards her and giving her a short hug. "My house is sOoOo boring!!!" Donna complained and I instantly knew what she was attempting. "Yeah same." Griffin hummed. "Yeah but mine is super-" Donna was cut off mid sentence "fine" Griffin said to Donna. "Yay!!!!!" Donna screamed following behind Griffin as he left, dragging me along with her.

   Once we arrived back to my house Donna rushed up the stairs to grab her things. "Do you wanna come with us?" The freckled boy infront of me asked. "Uh... Sure!" I replied sort of reluctant to stay at my crushes house, especially know his brother is Vance Hopper. I went up to my bedroom to get my things, hearing Donna rush down the stairs and loudly talking to Griffin. Once I was all packed we headed out the door and headed to Griffin's house.

    Griffin grabbed the key and unlocked the door to his house, gently resting his skateboard against the wall and hanging his keys on the hook beside the door. We headed upstairs to his bedroom, him and Donna on his bed and me on a bean bag chair. Griffin turned on the TV and put on a horror movie, Nightmare on Elm Street to be exact. About 3/4 into the movie we heard the door open and indistinct chatting. A few minutes later Vance Hopper and Bruce Yamada entered the room. "Oh hey Vance!" Donna greeted him. "Hey Donna....Billy." He replied leaving shocked that he even knew her name and even more shocked he knew mine. "Oh uh hi..." I replied. The fou of us talked for a while while Griffin quite until... "Oh uh Billy that's Bruce's chair do you mind moving!" He blurted randomly. "Oh yeah no worries!" I responded movie from the chair I was sitting in. "Oh no it's fine!" Bruce said "Bruce it's okay!" Me and Griffin said in sync.

            Griffin's POV:
"He can just sit on my bed." I said to my brothers 'bestfriend'. "Yeah!" My bestfriend Donna said. My crush sat next to me and I put on a movie, Donna declaring it a 'movie night' she rushed to get snacks. After a few hours of movies I fell asleep on my crushes shoulder, him soon falling on mine.

     <Hey y'all I finally finished this chapter also sry for not doing it earlier I was busy anyway love you!>

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