<chapter 2>

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                                 Billy's POV

"Mmmmmmn." I groan as i stretch out my arms. We stayed up way to late last night watching Scream 6 but Donna and Griffin wanted to so I stayed up with them. Though I still think we should have gone to bed after dinner but it's whatever. Yesterday was.... Weird... Donna's friend Griffin came over which is normal but... Donna made him try on some clothes and made me watch, she called it a fashion show.... It was obvious Griffin didn't want to do it but I can't control that. Everyone knows Griffin as 'the quite kid with no friends' but that's not true he's friends with my sister and the Blake's and the Arellano's and the Yamada's and his brother and me I guess. I think Griffin is pretty cool and stuff like that but I don't know if I could date him, I mean he's not gay I don't think..... Besides if I were to date him Donna would murder me! Whatever..... I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to shower and change. Once I was done I went downstairs to make food, I made chocolate chip pancakes the Donna and Griffin came downstairs it was clear that they had been up for a while by the fact that they were both completely ready for the day. That's when Donna announced that they would be going to the mall and asked if I wanted to come along, I agreed happy because I needed to pick up a few things anyways.
                               <Billy's look>

                               Griffin's POVI woke up at 5:15 A

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                               Griffin's POV
I woke up at 5:15 A.M. and as soon as I sat up Donna woke up or maybe she was already awake I don't really know but she immediately got up and ran to the bathroom to shower once she was done I went and showered  we both got dressed and Donna began doing her makeup

                        <The looks>

                        <The looks>Donna:

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Once we were ready we headed downstairs to see Billy making pancakes

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Once we were ready we headed downstairs to see Billy making pancakes. After we ate we headed to the mall and we hung out there for a while.

A/N I'm really tired so the next chapter will be at the mall

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