<chapter 4>

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                                   Griffin's POV:
I clicked off of the group chat and set my phone down, I was bored so I got changed, put in my headphones and some song by Paramore and grabbed my skateboard and began riding not knowing where I wanted to go nor paying attention to my surroundings.
                               The fit:

I was just riding and letting my mind wander when I hit a crack it the sidewalk and almost fell off my skateboard

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I was just riding and letting my mind wander when I hit a crack it the sidewalk and almost fell off my skateboard. Once I had gotten up and began riding again I payed more attention to my surroundings. I decided to go to the park since that's where my friends are usually and I wanted to be around someone. Once I had arrived none of my friends were there.... "Well damn that sucks....." I said to myself. "What sucks?" I heard a familiar voice call out behind me. "Huh!?" I said turning around to see BILLY SHOWALTER approaching ME, on PURPOSE.... EEEHHE! I yelled in my head "oh... Uh.... Um.... It's nothing!" I responded to the beautiful blonde nervously "hmm....?" He said, a cunning look showing slightly through his soft smile and calm eyes. "Well nothing is something you know...?" He asked In a jokingly manner. "Ughhh leave me alone about ittt" I sighed. "Okay.... Fine!" He said obviously curious to know what I meant.

Y'all I'm so tired so I'ma go to bed but I'll continue this part tomorrow I promise<333

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