Fucking Jones

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Tw detailed violence

We made it back to the hotel. It was about 1 PM so we were both hungry as fuck but the food wasn't ready yet. As we got to our room Vanessa jumped onto the bed and I laid next to her but as far away as I could.
I looked at my phone and texted Alice.

"About today. I didn't know she could do that. I came in to speak with you but she showed up and I had to run away with her so I wouldn't get killed by your pathetic guards. She told me everything and I couldn't believe her but I saw it with my eyes. We will talk another day. Don't come near her or I will kill you and everyone in that house with my own hands. I don't want another murder being blamed on me. Also say sorry to Bénoit, she didn't mean to harm him, I think."

And boom another text rushed through.

"Alex I don't give a single fuck about our talk. She disrespected our family by pulling something like that. Bénoit is going all soft and saying he doesn't care that she harmed him. But trust me baby I will come for her and I will bring the fight."

"Funny you say that. If you bring a fight, I'll bring a god damn war. And trust me, we both know I always win. You're lucky I'm not involved with the mafia anymore and you're lucky that I left it in your hands. If it weren't for me or my father, you and your brother wouldn't be here. We both know why I left Paris. And we both know what I accomplished at just the age of 13. Don't test me." I said and closed my phone.
I looked over at Vanessa who had a gun in her hand.
I grabbed it from her. "Hey what the fuck? I liked that!" She said but I hid it in a drawer and locked it.
"Look Black, I'm not going to let you play with that. For all I know you could kill me in my sleep. You're fucking crazy and I almost died today trying to save your stupid ass. So shut the fuck up and leave the gun alone." I said and with that she got up while chuckling and went to the bathroom. I heard water. She was taking a shower.


I got into the shower thinking about what had happened. After a few minutes passed by i heard Alex saying something "Lunch is ready, Black" he said and i heard him leave. I got out of the shpwer and wore sweatpants. I knew i was gonna see Matt. You may be wondering, if i could beat Bénoits ass why not Matts? Well because he would report me to the police or he would kill me. So I had to go through what he made me go through. Once I kicked him and he hit me so hard I was unconscious for thirty minutes.

I went down and Taylor was nowhere to be seen. Great I didn't have anyone to sit with. I sat alone playing with my food. I wasn't hungry anymore. I spotted Alex laughing with his friends and Matt looking at me from the other table. He came up to me.
"Where the fuck were you?" He asked angrily.
"Why does it matter Jones?" I asked
He clenched his jaw "Don't call me Jones you fucking slut." He hissed. He took me by my wrists into the bathroom next to the kitchen.
"Did he fuck you? I saw you leaving with him."
"What are you spying on me now?"I asked
"Shut the fuck up before I make you."
"I didn't fuck him, I have no intention of fucking him. Leave me alone." I said put he slapped me.
"What did I say about talking back?!" He shouted. I tried to get out but he blocked the door. He punched me and then chocked me against the wall. I couldn't breathe. It was like deja-vu. He squeezed my throat harder making me stand on my toes. The asshole then moved his hand a bit and started kissing my neck and then squeezing my boob. My eyes were close to crying.
He then punched me again making my nose bleed.
I hit my head hard and I gave up. He continued squeezing my boob and then my ass. After a bit he kissed me. Fucking asshole.
"You taste so good." He said and smirked at my tear.
"Fuck. You." I said while trying to breathe. He got angrier and took a pocket knife from his hoodie. He lifted up my shirt and dragged it across my stomach. Then he proceeded to drag it across my neck,arms, thigh and waist. He was a fucking psychopath. After about thirty minutes of his sexually abusing me and cutting my skin he let go.  He walked out of the bathroom with a smirk. I laid on the ground and then ran away to my room. I opened the door and took off my hoodie. I was just in my bra but I didn't care. I threw the bloody hoodie on the ground and went to the bathroom. I tried to find a first aid kid but panic struck me. I couldn't breathe. I was loosing blood and crying. I fell onto the floor ugly crying until I heard the door open. I tried to close the bathroom door but I couldn't.
"Don't. Please." I whispered while looking at the tall figure in-front of me thinking it was Matt. But it wasn't. It was Alex. He got on his knees and looked at me. "Fuck Alex. Get out!" I screamed.
"What the fuck happened?!" He said
"None of your business. I'm fucking fine! Get out!" I screamed again but I couldn't hold myself anymore.
I looked at the floor. It was a bloody mess. Alex took a cloth and started wiping off the blood from my nose, then from my arms. "I need to stitch this. Do you trust me?" He asked "fuck no but I trust you enough." I tried to say. He stitched up my arms then he cleaned my stomach. He was touching me softly. Like I was a toy that could break if you touched me just a little bit. He stitched up my stomach. Then he lifted me onto the sink. "Your erm...pants are bloody." He said
"Oh yeah the mother fucked cut up my thigh." I said chuckling. I took my pants off and wore some shorts while Alex looked away. He cleaned up my thigh and stitched it. He tried to pick me up but I told him "I'm fine " I wasn't. I tripped and he helped me get into the bed. "No. No. This is your bed. Not mine." I said protesting "shut the fuck up Black" he whispered.
He gave me some painkillers and went to lay on the ground. I finally closed my eyes and slept

Authors note
Sorry for the very detailed violence. Dunno what got into me. I hope we all fucking hate Matt smith here. He is a fucking asshole.

Love ya
N <3

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