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The song was chosen especially for the chapter


It was 8 o'clock In the afternoon and i met Alex in the location he sent me.
I looked at him as he was waiting beside his motorcycle and another one.
I approached him and looked confused.

"Why do you have a new motorcycle?"

"Oh I thought that it would be easier for you to ride a new one."

"No thank you, I want the old one."

"You sure? Cuz the new one can help you win."

"I'm sure."

"So,why would you steal my motorcycle when we were kids?"

"You know, when my dad died my stepbrother sold my dads motorcycle, so I didn't have a choice. I got a permit and rode yours." I said and looked at him.

His blue eyes slowly turned into a gray colour, like as if he wanted to show pity towards me.

"But that shouldn't let you pity me, that's the last thing I want." I said.

"Yeah but we both know this is going to be easy." He said.

"Okay then, no helmets and by the time we're half way down the road we can only look anywhere but towards us." I said as shock came out of his face.

"You're crazy Freckles." He said throwing me his keys.

"Nope I just want to win."

And with that I put the helmet in a bush and got on the motorcycle. I waited as Alex did the same thing.

"So, in the middle of this road we cannot look at the street ahead of us, even if a car or any automobile is coming towards us?" He asked to be sure that I wasn't joking.

"Yes, that is right." I assured him

"What if we crash?" He whispered.

"Then we die. Are you up for that?" I asked.

He nodded assuring me a yes.

"Great then, it's settled. On three we start." I said starting my motorcycle, and so did Alex.

I looked at him as the wind slowly hit his perfect dark hair. I thought about those times we made love. Fuck, I felt Shameless.

It was at this moment when I thought of all the things we did to eachother and I felt hot, really hot. More shame came through me.

I then snapped back to reality when Alex shouted my name.

"You okay there?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. Ready or not?" I asked.

"Ready." He answered.

1....I said as we both twisted our motorcycles throttle.

We flew. Our motorcycles were in sync but I didn't want to loose so I fastened up. I looked back at his face which was now masked with a soft expression.

"Are you going soft on me now?" I asked and he smirked as he synced in with my motorcycle.

We were officially in the middle of the road. I looked beside me to see Alex, with his hands off both throttle and gas, already looking at me. I wanted to cheat so I got close to his motorcycle and tried to scrape it. He chuckled as our motorcycles were inches away from each other.

I took my hands off the throttle and looked at his eyes. And that's when the world stopped, it was now just his eyes and mine locked into one another.
I stared deep in them and I couldn't breathe. Inside his dead and cold eyes was a spark, a lightning that shot me in realisation.

I love Alexander Blanchett.


I got a hold of the motorcycle and started speeding again still looking at him but this time with a smirk between my lips. He, still looking at me, also got a hold of his motorcycle and passed me.

"Sorry Freckles, I guess I beat you." He shouted as he tossed a wink towards me and laughed. Out of annoyance I flipped him off.
He chuckled, and moved his tounge to the side of his cheek.

He was winning and I tried to exept defeat but something didn't let me.
I turned the throttle one last time and boom, I was the one winning now.

"I told you my baby is better than that thing!" I shouted at him.
He was actually frustrated.
"We'll see who's laughing now!" I shouted again and sent him a wink.

"You're tough, Freckles." He said and chuckled as we passed our so called finish line.
We both stopped and got off.

"I won, you lost!" I said multipule times.
"Only because I let you." He said smiling.
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Fine, you were good Nessa." He said.
I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

As I slowly pulled away from the hug Alex got a phone call.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Amanda." He said as he answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Alex, we have to attack tomorrow." She shouted.

"What, why?" He asked.

"Aurora went to the cinema today and snuck into the manager's office. She found Alice's fake passport and documents which led us to figure out that Alice and the top manager are escaping tomorrow!" She said.

"Fuck!" Shouted Alex.

"Amanda when will we train?!" I asked.

"You guys have to get back right now! No one is gonna get more than two hours of sleep tonight." She said

Me and Alex both looked at eachother while panting.

We said in sync


Guys this chapter has to be one of my favourites!!!

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Love yall

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