Our new members

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Alex and I had gathered about twenty people who had agreed to start training. Of course we wouldn't need twenty people in our crew, we didn't have that kind of money to pay everyone. What we agreed on was that we would pick only one person. Yes that's right, only one.

We wanted to make sure that this person was not only talented in the arts of fight but also talented in manipulation and inteligence.

The first group was up.
"Okay group one, i need you to tell me your names and skills." Said Alex. I looked at him and added
"And also some traits about you." I said.
The first guy got up. He had wavy ginger hair and a pearly white skin tone that almost made him look albino, he was about six feet long and handsome.

"Hello, my name is Louis Dubois. I am 21 and my skill is shooting with sniper guns. Ive worked with many gangs but your gang is the one im most interested about.
I am serious, i get along with people quickly and i spend my time reading and training." He said.

He looked rather good enough to be one of our new members but i wasnt sure if Alex liked him.
"Really? Books?" He whispered to me.
"Reading books shows signs of intelligence. Besides i think he would be a perfect option for us to choose from." I whispered back. He sighted and the next person came up. She was a girl, brown hair with hilights.

"Hello im Tory Smith, american and blessed. I like guns and ive worked with the Yendal gang but i got fired so i want to work here. Im also single and in my free time i do nails and shoot with guns." She said.
I didnt like her, something about her seemed...off.

After about six hours we chose six new members.
1 Louis Dubois - sniper / French
2 Ambrose Buckingham - poison/ sword / English
3 Aurora Levitas - guns / sais / Latin and Russian
4 Juan Rodriquez - Hacker/ nunchuks / Spanish and Mexican
5 Raven Moreau - Arrows and Bows / French
6 Aera Choi - Bo Staff / katanas/ Chinese

Our group was perfect.


"Alright everyone, welcome to the HQ. You'll be staying in different rooms, we've chosen the best ones for each of you." Said Tom with a pair of airpods in his ears. I smiled at him as he went away.
"Everyone, this is Dennis, he is one of us, and Amanda and Bénoit the mother and father of our gang." I said and Amanda smiled at me.

"Now each guard is going to show you guys your rooms. I want you in the kitchen in two hours so get dressed with the clothes we have picked for you. We've got a lot to talk about." I said and they all went up to their rooms.


"Welcome to our dinner. I hope you guys are hungry." Said Dennis. His eyes laid all over Aera.
I chuckled and looked at him. "Shes pretty." I said.
He snapped out of his trance and looked me.
"What? No! I mean yes! But i-" i stopped him
"Stop it Dennis. Go sit next to her." I said.
He sat next to her and they started chatting.

Tom sat next to Juan and they started talking about music while Louis spoke to Bénoit and Amanda to Raven and Aurora. But there was no sight of the only person i wanted to see. Alex. I called him but no, there was no sight of him. I was alone.



"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I dont know which one to choose!" I shouted at my bodyguards.
"Vito, you know her most, you've known her since she was a kid, tell me, what which one!" I said.
"Im sorry sir, im not sure." He said.
"Come on Vito, please." I said to him, begging.
He looked at me and then spoke softly.
"The black one she doesnt like yellow." He said

"Thank you." I said and bought a black dress.
I was running late and i ignored al of Vanessas calls, i wanted her to worry about me, care about me,think about me. I want to be the only thing on her mind.
Even though im sure that she doesnt love me.

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