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Fan's POV:

omg paintbrush is so big I'm never letting go of their legg!! aaaaa!!

I say "omg lightbulb paintbrush is huge I love it!!!! I'm never letting go! " I hear her chuckle I accidentally woke paintbrush up because I climbed on their leg so fast. I say "oh sorry for waking you up paintbrush"

they blush a little and say "u-uhm it's okay. heh.." then they pick me up and give me a smooch and put me down I start getting red and I cover my face. they laugh a bit. I huddle into a ball and splat into the floor I hear someone come into the room testtube said "so fan did you miss me?" 

I could recognize her by her voice and I turn around and I saw testtube I gasped and ran into her arm and flipped her the other way I started tearing up seeing all my friends again after they were gone for 3 whole days.

lightbulb joined me and testtube's hug and since paintbrush couldn't hug us they patted our heads I kissed testtube after that paintbrush told me that they were supposed to be growing but testtube made them a potion to make them stop growing for a while and how testtube also made them a potion for them to shrink a bit lightbulb also said about how gigantic paintbrush was when testtube accidentally gave them the wrong potion!it was really cool hearing what happened .

After a while I got tired and fell asleep on paintbrush's leg. Both of them looked pretty sleepy too.

Testtube's POV:

I'm pretty sure I saw someone watching us when we were hugging. I know to trust my gut feeling and I'm gonna tell them if their awake if even anyone's awake. I'm pretty sure it was OJ because I saw an orange thing and I swear it was in a glass I am NOT being delusional .

so I walk out of my office and and I see them playing Rock Paper Scissors heh.. no wonder it's really boring down here especially with nothing to do.

I say " guys I have something to tell you guys." they all look at me paintbrush asks "what . the . hell . happened." I take a deep breath and say "I think I saw OJ while we were hugging. I think he spied on us." Paintbrush said " he did ... WHAT." I can see paint brush is about to go up into flames. We all paint and hug paintbrush and luckily they calmed down. 

paintbrush is pretty scary when their mad I really hope they don't burst into flames in my lab.

lightbulb said "I think he followed me and fan . I'm  sorry! I swear ! I thought he wasn't there! " paintbrush sighed and said "it's ok lightbulb , fan you should go explain to OJ because he probably trusts you the most out of all of us." fan said "ok I will." and took a deep breath and went. Hope he doesn't get trapped there. 

Fan's POV:

oh gosh ... I hope OJ didn't tell anyone he probably didn't no one's awake

gosh I hope OJ didn't tell anyone. lorddd... I'm really afraid oh I'm at the hotel the lights are off .. feew.. good I see a light on it's obviously OJ it's his room I can tell.. here it goes

I tippy toe until I'm at OJ's door I knock on his door and he asks "oh who is it at this hour?" it was about 8 when lightbulb brung me into testtube's lab. I'm pretty sure it's like 11 I said "uhm... it's me fan.. uh I don't want you to tell anyone anything that you saw I know you saw how massive paintbrush was and could you open the door I don't want anyone to hear me." OJ responds "uhm ... sure ." and then he opens the door. 

I enter his room and tell him everything that happened. I end it by saying "and now that's why paintbrush is so massive." and then he just looks at me with a look of disbelief. I also tell him "make sure to not tell anyone I don't want anyone to try to see what's going on. Oj says "ok I won't tell anyone I swear." 

then I say "soo uh yea ! don't tell on us I don't want paintbrush to burst into flames and burn down your hotel ! bye now I'm going back to them !" he tells me "bye fan!" and I walked out of the hotel and went back to testtube's lab and I went to where paintbrush and light bulb are and I told them what happened with OJ hope I can trust OJ to not tell anyone... hopefully he doesn't. hopefully.

hayyy everyone so like yea its christmas for me and if it is for u merry christmas!!!

ii growth story (paintbrush x test tube x lightbulb x fan)Where stories live. Discover now