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I can't let them catch me

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I can't let them catch me.

I won't let them catch me. I knew they were after me, I had a red target on my back and it burned. I don't know what they want to do with me, nor do I want to know.

I don't want to become a news headline that shows me as the bad guy. I know I'm not, yet no one believes that.I didn't know were I was going, I just knew I had to get far away from here. I just had to wait until nightfall.

I sat on my bed, looking around the room I grew up in. the pictures all over the place, the items I grew up having. core memories that were planted within these walls.

I didn't want to leave all these memories behind, but I knew better then to bring the past with me. I stand from my bed and walk towards a polaroid picture sitting on my dressers.

I hesitate but pick it up and bring it up to eye level. I looked so happy, they also looked so happy. why would they leave me with this...mess?
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"y/n! stop being such a pussy!"

"E̵̪͐̌̕ͅL̸̼̞̰͘L̸̼̞̰͘ī̶̧͙͖̲̘0̴̡̓̒̈́́̆͆ţ̸̛̞̒̑̌́̄̽̀͝y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓â̸̠̋h̸͎̲͍̉̉͊̈́̓̕͝ you can't make me get on the ride! I'd rather live!" I shouted in fear

E̵̪͐̌̕ͅL̸̼̞̰͘L̸̼̞̰͘ī̶̧͙͖̲̘0̴̡̓̒̈́́̆͆ţ̸̛̞̒̑̌́̄̽̀͝y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓â̸̠̋h̸͎̲͍̉̉͊̈́̓̕͝ kept pulling on my arm laughing while I was also laughing yet in fear. the dirt and rocks below us scratches as the resistance from their pulling move me closer to whatever ride I was scared of.

- - - - - -

it was such a simple time yet brought so many mixes of emotions.

I couldn't help but feel my eyes burn as tears brimmed the corners. I hastily wipe them away, slamming the picture back onto the dresser. I made sure it was facing the other way, I didn't want the past to look at me. even if it was in the form of a photo.

I turn around and take a deep breath. the cold air in my room left a trail of shivers across my body. I've made my decision and I'm not going back on my word. especially not my own.

my eyes began to wonder the room again and took a glimpse of the time. "I should go now.." I mumbled towards myself.

I sped walk towards the pre-packed bag and jacket on a chair in the corner of my room. I grab the jacket while swiftly wrapping it around my back, the bag following after.

I walk up towards my window, bringing my arm up at the same time. as I rest my hand onto the window sill, I stop in my tracks. the coldness of the window lingering in my fingers, realization hit me.

if I was going to leave, I needed to make sure to leave with a new person.

I brush off my bag before grabbing scissors in a nearby pencil case. I lightly stomped towards my mirror while looking at my reflection.

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