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everything was fuzzy and blurry

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everything was fuzzy and blurry.

at first I thought it was just my headache resurfacing, but that couldn't have been the case. my medicine should have started working by now and there was nothing around that would trigger a headache. I looked around slowly and confused.

I rose a hand to my head and covered my right ear, assuming it was my own head ringing from the silence but the static sound never faltered, in fact it actually worsened.

my breath was starting to pick up because of the overwhelming looping static. I looked around and had a gut feeling to leave the forest. I didn't how I was going to leave but I knew I needed to get away from something.

I continued walking but decided to pick up my pace. I walked in any random direction and every time the static seemed to worsen, I would stop and turn the other way. I used the static as an advantage out the forest, I was curious but I knew better then to explore.

"I can never seem to get a break.." I mumbled to myself and rubbed my hands together for warmth as my cold hands were getting harder to move.

after what felt like hours of walking and maneuvering around trees, the sky was starting to grow dark. I was going to question as to why it was so dark already considering it was almost five, but then remembered about daylight savings and such.

I kept hearing the crunching of leaves or sticks that didn't sound like my own, but when I looked over I would just see an animal or just wood falling from gravity. the more I heard the noises, paranoia started to slowly rise again.

I knew If I didn't calm myself I would end up getting a panic attack, I would be lost and panicking. not really a good mix. a way to calm myself, I thought about maybe humming to music to distract me.

"hmm. and if a double decker bus! crashes into us! to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die!~" I quietly sung to myself.

as silly as it may looked, I felt slightly better and felt like the static was getting drowned by the music playing in my own head. I kept looking around and continued to make twists and turns, every now and then getting a glimpse of the yellow and orange leaves of trees.

I was kinda surprised how colored leaves were still on trees, I mean it was winter and all the leaves would've fallen by now. every time I saw the leaves, my static would grow louder so I turned away each time.

"And if a ten ton truck! kills the both of us! to die by your side, we'll the pleasure and privilege is mine-" I almost finished out the lyric before a flash of the orange came into my peripheral view.

a heavy weight was crashed into me and I was on the ground in the blink of an eye. I instinctively put my hands up to cover my face in defense and peeked through my eyes to see, a person?

it was dark but I saw this white mask, I couldn't tell their gender but guessing from the hair it was a male but the feminine mask said otherwise. I probably would've found this hot in different circumstances.

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