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"fuck..my head hurts." you groaned.

you slowly blinked your eyes open as you looked around, at least tried to. all your muscles were aching and you were laying on your stomach, on your bed, and not even tucked into your blanket. the worst part was, you didn't remember anything.

you only remembered looking for a job to apply to, once you applied and started to walk home. everything was a blur. you lazily rolled over and faced your ceiling. you could feel sweat under your lazily dressed pajamas. your shirt was literally backwards.

you slowly started to sit up from your bed and your wince at your bandaged shoulder. you looked around, everything was still in place and nothing seemed wrong. though something felt off. you wanted to brush it off with your drowsiness and recent paranoia. you turned towards your digital clock and read the time out loud.

"2pm.. no way I slept through my whole morning..at least I don't have classes. I wouldn't have went to them anyways." you mumbled to yourself as you ran your hands through your tangled hair that was starting to grow out.

you decided to get up and not rot in bed, you didn't want dust to start settling on you. your eyes stayed heavy as you trudged towards your bathroom, thank god your dorm had its own bathroom. it was basically a small new york apartment, except you weren't in new york and didn't have a kitchen.

you were also grateful to have no roommate, you had all the space you wanted. your eyes glanced around your living space, landing in some trinkets. you stared at the pile of papers full of theories on your desk for a little longer before fully going into your bathroom.

when you flicked the light open, the bright light was a heavy contrast to your dark room. it blinded you and made your headache grow. your headache felt loud yet you didn't hear anything, it was like a growing pressure in your eardrums.

you grumbled in annoyance before going to shower and turning it on, accidentally leaning in to far. you hair and arm getting splashed by the cold water. this made you more irritated but it did wake you up.

"I really need an energy drink...mixed with five hour energy....maybe I can mix two small bottles?" you rambled loud enough only for you to hear.

you began to undress and uncovered our bandages. you stepped into the shower, warm water washing away any unknown grime from the day before. it was refreshing. you grabbed your wash products and focused more on your scalp so you could massage your head and clean it at the same time.

once you were finished the mirror was steamed up and you wiped away the condensation. you were met with yourself. your eyebags a bit darker then usual and your hair dripping wet all over the ground.

you lean to the cabinets underneath and reached for the first aid kit. you pull out a fresh set of gauze bandages and started to rewrap yourself. you let out a content sigh, the feeling of new bandages felt nice. you looked around and realized you forgot to bring in your set of clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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