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(disclaimer: i'm changing perspectives)

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(disclaimer: i'm changing perspectives)

this time you were sure to click the correct link.

time passed like a blur, all you have to help you recollect was the corkboard in the corner of your room full of theories and evidence. throughout this time you've been piecing together this whole situation involving this hit list, who controls it, why serial killers were after you.

right now you were searching online to find another recipe for soup. you've been studying non-stop for weeks and it's been getting harder and harder to concentrate with your annoying ass neighbors.

seriously, who needs to have a party every three days a week? midterm exams were coming up and you haven't been going to classes and lectures ever since the meeting with, them. right now you were searching for another recipe for soup and avoided the link that was highlighted, indicating that you clicked the link before.

ever since the encounter with those possible murders, your name kept appearing on the link and every time you deleted it, it would come back. at first was scary but now it growing repetitive and annoying. after finding a random link, you opened it to be met with a lot of ads on the side and a whole life story before the recipe.

"dude I don't care if this soup helped you through your pet dog sparky's death.." you mumbled to yourself. you always wondering why people thought it was necessary to bring in a whole story for a recipe as if it would make the soup taste better.

you finally scrolled down to the the recipe and prepared all the told and ingredients you needed. before you could actually start cooking, your phone on the table next to your computer started to ring. you held it up to look at the caller ID and immediately rolled your eyes but smiled. you answered the call to be met with a loud greeting.

"y/nnnnn. I'm bored what are you doing?" A voice called out, extending the ending of your name.

"I'm cooking soup, what do you want ben?" you sighed placing the phone back down on the table. you started to take out vegetables from a plastic shopping bag.

ever since you met the guy who doxed your location, you were actually chill about the whole situation. you thought it was pretty funny on how he reacted to your response.

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(user): dope

(user): send pizza 👍

(BENntLink): ...

(BENntLink): r u serious?

(user): can it be pepperoni pizza?

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