Chapter 4

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Wednesday had managed to get Tyler inside and to her room without bumping into any family members. She was of course still furious with Pugsly, but couldn't blame him for his curiosity. It's not every day theres a serial killer at your dining table.

Just as Wednesday got Tyler settled on the bed, someone knocked on her door.

"Just a moment!" She yelled. "I will be right back." She told Tyler.

Opening her door gently and sliding out of the room, she was faced with her mother. "Mother."

"Wednesday, we need to discuss the Tyler situation."

"If you are going to tell me he can't stay here, I do not care. I will not allow him to be banished to the wilderness only to be killed by the government or kidnapped and experimented on for the rest of his life." Wednesday said, anger slightly peeking through her voice.

"No, oh no, darling. I would never keep you from having the kind of love your father and I have." Morticia smiled.

"We are not in love."

"Ah, whatever you say, my daughter. I came to tell you that he would need proper clothing and items for living. I had Lurch gather what we had laying around. I also gathered toiletries and such." She handed Wednesday a stack of clothing, all varying in different shades of gray, and a bag with smaller items in it.

"Thank you, mother." Wednesday went to reenter her room, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"I hope you know what you are taking on by allowing Tyler to stay. I am all for it, but I don't want you hurt."

"I am completely capable to take care of myself." Wednesday snapped.

"Yes, I know." Her mother smiled sadly. "I just feel that I must say something, as you are my daughter." Morticia turned and walked down the stairs, disappearing into the shadowy house.

Wednesday huffed and walked back into her room to see Tyler laying face down on the bed. His hands were woven tightly into his hair, yanking at the strands.


"yeah?" His voice was muffled by the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Laying on the bed?"

"You're hurting yourself again." Wednesday sighed and walked to him, grabbing his hands and pulling them from the tight grip they had on his hair.

"No- no I wasn't." He stammered. Like a child caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

"You can't lie to me. We are connected, I always know what you're feeling, Tyler." Wednesday stated, dropping Tyler's hands.

"I heard what your mom said. I can leave." He mumbled, head still shoved into the bed.

Wednesday felt a ping of anger at her mother. "Well if you heard her, you must have heard me say that theres no way you are leaving."

Tyler nodded.

"Good. I have been thinking, your current situation is not ideal."

"Which one? The tortured part? Or the part where my dad hates me and I can't go home? Or the amount of emotional baggage I have to carry with me?" Tyler said with a bit of sarcasm.

"More so the part where you are being hunted by the government."

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

"Well, I have to go back to Nevermore next week, with our extended break being over, and I am going to take you with me. They will keep you safe there, and we will find someone to help you."

Tyler looked at her, a sad expression on her face. "No."

Wednesday was slightly taken aback by his answer. "No?"

"I can't go there. All of those kids hate me, and for a good reason. I almost killed half of them, and if I didn't try to kill them, I probably ruined their life in some other way." Tyler's tone was filled with guilt.

Wednesday understood his concerns. She would have to convince her...friends...that he wasn't at fault.

"Eugene is an amiable person, and will be able to find it in himself to forgive you. Enid is very forgiving as well. Anyone that isn't willing to get over it, I will take care of."

"Don't kill anyone!" Tyler said, horrified.

"I never said I was going to. I will just ensure no one will bother you."

"Oh. But, I don't want to negatively affect you. People probably aren't going to like you siding with a killer." Tyler tried.

"I don't care what other people think." Wednesday had made this very clear. She didn't care what others thought, as long as she believed in what she was doing.

Tyler smiled slightly. That was something that really drew him to her. She was very confident in everything she did without any care of people that doubted or disliked what she did.

"I will message the school, let them know you are coming. I will get you in, one way or another." Wednesday said.

Tyler nodded and rolled onto his back. "So what does Wednesday Addams do all day? What's the plan?"

Tyler was a confusing character to Wednesday. His quick change in emotion was strange.

"You want me to continue as if it is a normal day?" Wednesday asked, truly questioning. She guessed he may enjoy a slight amount of normalcy, considering how much his life lacked.

"Yeah." He said quietly, looking up at her from his spot on the bed. "What do you usually do after eating breakfast?"

"I usually write my novel."

"Well then, go write your novel."

"I have been attempting to finish it, that is what I was doing when you knocked at my window last night. I cannot mold my words into a perfect ending. No words I can think of will wrap up my story."

Tyler looked down thoughtfully. He had enjoyed english in school, but he was more of a poems guy himself.

"What if you just didn't end it?" Tyler asked.

It was Wednesday's turn to ponder. Would someone enjoy such an ending? It would allow for a second book to follow, and it would capture readers into her writing.

Wednesday nodded and walked over to her typewriter. The idea of a cliffhanger had been an idea she had considered but not put to paper in a way she liked. The idea of giving up was not an option, so she was forced to sit down and type.

Tyler enjoyed the quiet sound of the type writer. His eyes traveled to Wednesdays. He watched as her expression morphed into pure concentration, something he had seen many times at the Weathervane.

He admired her from a far, wondering how a girl could be so perfect.

sorry there had been another big break in my output of chapters. this ones pretty short but i wanted to be able to put something out /:

i kind of hate this chapter, and i had a lot of writers block, but i finally think i know where to take it.

thanks for bearing with me (:

happy new year with lots of love

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