Unloved and unwanted

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Gil Shelbourne was happily cleaning the mansion from top to bottom. He put the last of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. He found an old picture of him and his father, of course his father looking incredibly annoyed in the photo with Gil trying to give him a hug. Gil sighed happily, with a big smile as he put the photo on the tree. Mayor dad is just the greatest..

All the Christmas decorations were up, and everything looked wonderful. I hope mayor dad is satisfied with all the decorations! Said Gil. He's never satisfied, year after year, it's been a disappointment to him. I hope this time he likes it! Gil had made a gift for his father and he was excited to give it to him. Gil made a beautiful shiny trophy that said best father ever! He couldn't wait to give it to him.

Gil had a few other gifts for his dad as well, but he just couldn't wait to give him that one. It was dark outside, when mayor Shelbourne finally came home. He looked rather frustrated, but Gil was excited to see him none the less. Mayor dad! There you are! Mayor Shelbourne looked around at all the Christmas decorations. What is all this? He asked sounding annoyed.

It's for Christmas mayor dad! It's almost Christmas remember? Mayor Shelbourne only huffed in response. It looks almost as terrible as last year Gil! Said mayors Shelbourne annoyed. Mayor dad, you seem upset, is something wrong? Gil asks. Wrong? Is something wrong?  How stupid can you be Gil?! Of course something is wrong! Isn't it obvious?! Said mayor Shelbourne angrily.

Well, what happened? Asked Gil concerned. I'll tell you what happened! I lost the lottery AGAIN! I've always cheated fair and square! I don't even know how some people afford a to even BUY a lottery ticket, I've raised taxes so high some people should be homeless! Oh.. but mayor dad you already have so much money, what do you need more for? Asked Gil.

Gil your stupidity astounds me. Said mayor Shelbourne. Actually wait, no it doesn't. Why would I expect anything els from you?! Gil looked up at his father with a sad face. Gil, let me put this simply.. yes I am rich, but when it comes to money, it's never enough. I go through great lengths to make myself richer. Money is everything Gil, do you think my life would ever be complete without it?

I can't lose at anything, especially when it comes to opportunities to make myself richer.. said mayor Shelbourne. Well, what if next time you win the lottery, we could use it to fix the school?? We could buy some actual text books, and improve the building! Or we could help the homeless out there in the cold, or- Gil! Enough! Do you hear yourself?? Said mayor Shelbourne. You know I'm not going to do that!

Sorry, said Gil. I just thought that- No one cares what you think Gil! Said mayor Shelbourne. Gil, please just stop talking, your voice is making me sick! Oh.. Gil looked down sadly. I'm hungry anyway, so go make me a sandwich and bring it upstairs, said mayor Shelbourne. On it mayor dad! Said Gil as he went the kitchen to go make the sandwich. Mayor Shelbourne only rolled his eyes in response, as he went to the upstairs of the mansion.

                     A few minutes later:

Gil walked in his fathers bedroom with the sandwich. Finally! What took you so long?! I- never mind what do I expect? Your always going to be useless! Said mayor Shelbourne. Suddenly Gil accidentally tripped and fell over with the sandwich. Gil! Why do you always have to be this way?! I waited nearly 5 minutes for that sandwich and all you do is fall?! Sim sorry mayor dad! Said Gil. It was an accident- UGH! Why do I even bother!? Your completely useless!

I can make you another- NO! What's the point if you can't even figure out how to walk straight?! Well.. um.. mayor dad I have something els for you! Look! Said Gil as he handed mayor Shelbourne the best father ever trophy. I made it for you, I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but it looked like you needed some cheering up today said Gil with a smile.

Mayor Shelbourne looked like he was ready to explode. CHEER ME UP?! GIL I NEVER WANTED TO BE A FATHER!!! ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES YOU IS NEVER GOING TO CHEER ME UP! Mayor Shelbourne yelled. But mayor dad, I- IF ANYTHING WERE TO CHEER ME UP IT WOULD BE LIFE WITHOUT YOU IN IT! Gil was on the verge of tears at this point, looking obviously hurt.


I know... Gil said softly.. that's why I made that gift for you, said Gil with tears in his eyes, because your the best dad ever.. mayor Shelbourne seemed to only get more angry. GIL I NEVER WANTED TO BE A FATHER! I MADE THAT MISTAKE! I know.. said Gil. I just thought that- NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK GIL! Yelled mayor Shelbourne. IF I NEVER WANTED TO BE A FATHER, THEN WHY WOULD I EVER WANT THIS SO CALLED GIFT FROM YOU!?

Mayor Shelbourne then snapped the trophy in half and threw it on the ground smashing it into pieces. As well as Gil's heart. THERE! THATS WHAT I THINK OF YOU! IF I COULD GO BACK IN TIME I WOULD HAVE MADE SURE YOU WOULDN'T EXIST! I NEVER WANTED TO BE A FATHER, AND I NEVER WANTED YOU!!!

Gil couldn't hold back the tears anymore.. the pain was unbearable, his fathers words had crushed poor Gil, whose heart cracked and blown into smithereens. Gil began to sob and ran away to his room crying. He couldn't believe it.. he really never wanted him.. Gil felt completely unloved and unwanted. And because his mother was never in the picture, his father had to put up with him..

Gil was use to his father treating him terribly, but this was definitely a wake up call. His father hated him.. so now he must leave.. as much as it broke Gil's heart, he knew he couldn't stay with his father. There's no point in staying with his father if he resents him for existing.. even if HE was responsible for his existence..

It was completely dark out.. and Gil knew knew what he had to do.. it was time to go. He had to get out of there. It was time to leave the nest. He wasn't going to stay with anyone, he felt like a burden enough already just for being alive.. he was going on his own. He felt like he had to apologize for his existence. Like he was a waste of air. At least that's how his father always made him feel.

Gil grabbed a book bag from his closet and filled it with clothes, and whatever cash he had left on him. He also put his tooth brush and toothpaste in there as well. He grabbed a coat out from his closet as it was very cold out. He also packed some gloves. He was going to have to get use to being outside. He packed some extra blankets as well.

He'll just have to shower at rest stops or something. He was done making his father BE a father. Gil would no longer be sleeping in a nice warm bed in his own big room anymore.. he would no longer live under his father's roof.. he would longer eat the food his father buys. If all his father wanted is money, then that's all he's going to get.

I suppose I should write a goodbye note, Gil thought to himself. With tears in his eyes, Gil grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write.

(Dear mayor dad.. well, I guess I shouldn't call you that anymore.. dear Mr mayor sir, I'm sorry that you had me. I'm sorry I was born. I'm sorry I'm a burden in your life. I know I'm your only child, but I also know that you never wanted one either. My whole life I tried to convince myself that deep down, maybe you did love me. I now realize just how wrong I was.. I realize that I'm just a stupid mistake that you made at one point in your life, and that's all I am. I was just an inconvenient result of a short lived relationship you had with someone you barely even knew. I realize that's all I am to you. And I'm sorry. I am leaving. I don't want to make you have to be a father any longer as I can see that is what you dread.. I hope that me leaving will help you get richer. I don't know where I'm going, but I will never bother you again. Thankyou for giving me life, even if it was unintentional. I will always love you. Your son Gil.)

With that.. a few tear drops landed on the note from Gil.. he left it on his bed for his father to find. Gil opened his bedroom window, and climbed down the mansion. I took one last look. It was very cold out, and it would be so much easier to crawl right back in the mansion and into his nice warm bed. But no, this is what his father wanted.

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