The panic

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Another day had passed, and Gil had finally made it through the woods and was walking deeper into the forest. It was getting dark, and colder. Poor Gil began to shiver. Then Gil happened to run across what appeared to be an older man with a tent set up. Oh hi.. Gil said softly. Hi. Said the older man. What are you doing way out here? He asked. Well, it's sort complicated, but long story short I'm the son of the mayor, and my dad told me he never wanted me and hates being a father, and wishes he never had me so I had leave home.

Oh dear... I'm very sorry to hear that young one, how about you sit here with me, I have water and some hot beverages and soup! Said the older man. That would be nice actually I am pretty hungry, said Gil. My name is Norman. I've been living up here for quite a while. Oh, my name is Gil. Yes I knew the mayor had a son but I didn't know it was you.

So, are you out here camping? Asked Gil. No, unfortunately I've been homeless for quite some time.. said Norman. Oh I'm so sorry.. Gil replied. Yeah.. your father definitely likes to raise up those taxes.. and between all that and rent, and your father raising prices up, it all just became too much and I had to leave home too.

I'm so sorry about that..Gil replied. Please don't be sorry, said Norman. I'm use to it by now, besides it's out of your control. Here, let me get you some warm soup you must be hungry, said Norman as he poured some warm soup into a cup, from a thermal thing. There you are. Gil took the mug of soup, Thankyou. Gil took a sip of the soup. Oh this is really good!

You make some good soup! Oh it's not me, I head down the mountain every few days or so to go get food from the grocery stores, and I also stop by a restaurant that has really good soup. Said Norman. Oh I see, said Gil. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to get use to the homeless life too. Said Gil. You can stick with me, if you want. Said Norman.

You seem a little young to leave home, but I have food and water with me, and blankets and stuff. Said Norman. Sure said Gil, I could.. I could really use a friend right now..said Gil with tears in his eyes. Norman placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort. I have a few friends from school that I could with, but I can't. I can't stay with them because my father would see me at school. Said Gil.

And I don't think I could get through it, seeing him every day will literally kill me inside, said Gil. I just can't do it! I understand said Norman. It will be okay. Sometimes it's scary when your thrown into situations that force you to be strong, said Norman, but you don't have to face it alone, it's okay to ask for help, I learned this through time, said Norman.

              At the Shelbourne mansion:

Mayor Shelbourne simply couldn't go on like this, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. He's never felt this much distress before. He never thought he could ever be this upset over Gil. The fact that he didn't even know where his son was kept him up all night. Where could he have gone?? He had to find him, and bring him back home before something happens to him.

The on going panic was constant, he had never felt this kind of panic before.. although he's put Gil in some unsafe situations before, heck he even shoved him in front of Flint's rocket powered inventions before. Sure he's always been rough with him, and he always turned out fine and brushed it off, but no this is serious. He has no idea where he is, and what if he ACTUALLY got hurt?

What if someone kidnaps him?? A million thoughts ran through the Mayors mind at once. What if he never sees his son again..? What if he never comes home..? The thought of that made mayor Shelbourne sick to his stomach. No! He has to come home. Maybe he just went to go stay with flint or something, yeah, he's done that before.. but that only provided little comfort to mayor Shelbourne.

It's the not knowing that was eating him up inside. He decided to go over to the Lockwood house and see if his son was there. He was going to find Gil, and he's coming back home one way or another.

                          Some time later:

Flint's POV

Dad! There's someone at the door! Okay. Said my dad. Me and Sam were hanging out on the couch at my place watching a movie, when I heard some frantic knocking. My dad answered the door and there was the mayor, looking distraught for some reason. Lockwood! Is Gil here?? Have you seen him?? Ummmmm no. My dad replied. Me and Sam walked over to the door. Gil's not here mr mayor. Why do you ask? I took a closer look at the mayor. He was visibly shaking, and it looked as though he was having an anxiety attack.

Mayor Shelbourne, are you okay? You don't look so good, maybe you should sit down and- I CANT FIND HIM ANYWHERE!!! Suddenly mayor Shelbourne yelled out. HE'S GONE!!! HE LEFT AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE HE IS! I HAVE TO FIND HIM!!!! Mayor Shelbourne yelled, while nearly pulling his hair out. Woah, woah! Mayor Shelbourne calm down, and just tell us what happened, said Sam.

I SAID THINGS... I SAID HORRIBLE AWFUL THINGS TO HIM! I TOLD HIM THAT I WISHED HE WAS NEVER BORN AND THAT I NEVER WANTED HIM, AND THAT I NEVER WANTED TO BE A FATHER! You what!? I asked, shocked. I knew Gil was always treated badly by his father, but that was excessive. Why would you tell him that?! Asked Sam.


At that point, I was watching Mayor Shelbourne have a full on mental breakdown. Okay, okay listen, Mayor Shelbourne. We're going to help you find him okay? Try to calm down. Mayor Shelbourne sat down on the couch. Okay we need to tell officer Earl about this! Said Sam. I'm on it, said my dad.

                           Some time later:

Mayor Shelbourne wanted to go out and look for Gil, but officer Earl told him he was on the case, and he should try to sleep tonight. Although mayor Shelbourne knew that probably wasn't possible. He always thought Gil being far away was a dream come true, but now that he actually ran away and did it, it was a total nightmare. Mayor Shelbourne walked into Gil's bedroom.

He wished so badly that his boy was in bed sleeping safe and warm. He walked in Gil's room and found his poppa piglet doll on the floor. He picked it up with tears flowing down his face.. no he HAD to find his boy. There's no time to lose. His son was coming home one way or another!

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