Gil out there in the woods

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Gil was making his way down the mountain on the other side of the island. He decided to get soup from a restaurant nearby the mountain, and bring some back for Norman. He finally made it down and went in the restaurant. It was much warmer inside the then outside. It was cozy. Gil sat down at a counter instead of a table, and ordered the soup. Norman has been good to him. It was the least he could do.

He only had a little cash on him, but he could find ways to make more. He really missed his father. The waiter at the restaurant asked him if he okay, Gil said he was fine. Once the soup came out and Gil ate up. It was nice and warm. Then he ordered some more to bring back with him up the mountain. After paying he got the soup to go and made his way back up the mountain.

He still couldn't believe this was his life now. His whole life he lived in a big expensive mansion and was living the rich life as the mayor's son, but he would trade it all for his father to love him. Now he was living in the woods, homeless, with almost nothing, and trying to just survive, and get food. If he's still homeless when he's older maybe he should leave the island. Leave swallow falls and go where it's warmer in the winter.

Swallow falls got pretty hot in the summer, but winter is what he was mostly worried about. If by the time he's grown, and his situation hasn't improved he decided to think about leaving the island. He just hoped his father, somewhere deep down, didn't mean everything he said to him..

Some time later:

It was getting rather late, and Mayor Shelbourne searched and searched, but he still could not find his son. He went from door to door, asking many of the students from school if he had come by. Though it was always the same answer, he wasn't there. This only made mayor Shelbourne panic more. He NEEDED to know where his son is.

The thought that his son could possibly not even be on the island of swallows falls anymore only made him more frantic. Officer Earl had put up some missing posters of Gil through out the town. When Mayor Shelbourne saw his son's picture on the missing poster sign he could feel his heart breaking even more. He knew this was his fault. There was no one to blame but himself.

He got back after hours of searching, and asking people if they had seen him. He even held a small town meeting, and announced his son was missing, and pleaded to the public that if they see Gil to immediately call him and bring him back home to him. After another agonizing day of him missing the mayor couldn't hold back his tears. Yes his son was always irritating to him and needy, but he never would have thought Gil would run away from home.

There he was in his son's room holding his poppa piglet doll again, tears flowing down his face. He wanted nothing more then to hold his son in his arms, knowing he was home with him. Gil had left his cell phone too so it's not like he could try and call him. He felt totally powerless. All he could do was keep searching and praying that Gil would come home.

How was Gil going to get enough food and water? Did he even have a change of clothes or a toothbrush? Did he have everything he needs? Was he all alone? How was he going to stay warm? Where was gonna sleep? So many questions went through mayor Shelbourne's mind but that only made him more frantic. He missed him more than he had ever missed anyone.

Back in the woods:

Gil made it back to where Norman was and gave him the soup. He was glad he wasn't totally alone. Gil wrapped himself in a blanket that he packed. Norman couldn't walk that well, he had a cane and was apparently injured in his previous job a few years ago, and that made it harder to pay the rent. The poor guy Gil thought. Norman did have a cell phone which was nice. He could keep track of the weather.

Oh dear.. said Norman. What is it? Asked Gil. Well, apparently there's going to be a big storm tomorrow night.. said Norman. That's going to make it very cold. This is always the hardest time of the year for me because I'm always trying to stay warm up here. Oh man, what are we going to do?! Asked Gil. I don't know, said Norman.

I'm going to make a fire Gil, said Norman. Okay. What if we went down the mountain and go into a store or something during the storm? Asked Gil. Well, we could, but usually when a big storm hits everything closes early in the town, said Norman. It's gonna be okay we're gonna get through this.

At the Shelbourne mansion:

Mayor Shelbourne turned on the tv as the weather alert came on. Sam had told him a big storm was coming tomorrow night, and she was right, he watched as the weather man spoke. We recommend all the people of swallow falls take shelter and stay warm tomorrow night, as it will be very cold with very high winds, and thunder. Mayor Shelbourne suddenly felt a panic start again in his chest.

Gil was out there somewhere, and he was going to get stuck in the storm!!! No! No this can't be happening! I have to find him! I can't lose him! I just can't! Said mayor Shelbourne to himself. He had to find him and quickly before this storm takes place, and he would need to look everywhere. Will he be able to find him before the big storm? He really hoped so.

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