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Gil had woken up the next day before his father did.. he really didn't feel good. His mind was still blurry and he was still confused, but now he knew where he was. He tried to get up, and escape his fathers hold. He was very shaky and weak, but he managed to stand. He knew where he was now. How did he get back home? Well, I guess I should leave before mayor dad gets angry that I'm home.. Gil thought to himself.

Gil walked very shakily down the hall to the stairs. He didn't feel well at all. He can tell he was feverish. He finally reached the stairs, he started going down until he collapsed and fell down the stairs. Mayor Shelbourne jolted awake at the sound. Suddenly he didn't feel Gil in his arms.. he bolted out of his chair and looked for Gil. Gil!!! Where are you?!? Gil!!! Mayor Shelbourne ran down the hall, there he saw Gil had fallen down the stairs.

Gil!!!!!! What are you doing?!? Said mayor Shelbourne as he ran to Gil and scooped him up in his arms. Gil felt tears falling down his face. I'm sorry mayor dad! I'm sorry!!! I'm trying to get up so I can leave I'm sorry- Mayor Shelbourne cradled Gil tightly in his arms. Gil no!!! Your not going anywhere!!! Your home! Gil tried to escape his fathers hold, but mayor Shelbourne held him tighter.

But mayor dad! I have to! I don't want you to be unhappy! Said Gil. Gil, if you even think for second that I'm letting you go anywhere then your mistaken. Said mayor Shelbourne firmly. But I heard you say you wanted a life without me! Gil said as he started to cry. Mayor Shelbourne felt himself in tears too.

I have to leave! Said Gil trying to get free. Gil stop it! Your not going anywhere! You are my son! Your mine! You belong to me! You can say whatever you want, but I am not letting you go anywhere! Not only that, but your also sick and you can barely walk! Your never running away again! I will lock you in if I have to! Said mayor Shelbourne. But what about all those things you said?? Gil said in tears..

Gil I am so sorry... I didn't mean a word I said..
I am to blame my son.. I didn't mean a thing I said to you and I feel so guilty.. said mayor Shelbourne. Gil cried some more, I was hoping you would say that mayor dad! I- shhh Gil hush.. mayor Shelbourne pushed Gil's head to his chest. Poor Gil couldn't stop crying. Mayor Shelbourne carried Gil back upstairs and sat in his chair with his boy in his arms.

He wrapped Gil back up in blankets, tightly to try and prevent him from wondering off again. Gil was still crying. Gil hush.. it's alright daddy's here. Gil's sobbing suddenly turned to a coughing fit. Oh my poor boy.. mayor Shelbourne placed a hand on Gil's head. He definitely had a fever. He remembered doctor manny saying something about hypothermia lowering immunity.

Gil probably caught something. Mayor Shelbourne was expecting this. It was the season that the flu would be flying around. And Gil having hypothermia didn't help at all. Gil began to shiver, so he held him close try and keep him warm. Gil curled up into a little ball in mayor Shelbourne's arms.

Yes Mayor shelbourne has always pushed Gil around.. but he never wanted this to happen. He remembered when Gil left home and stayed with Flint for a few days, because he wouldn't allow Gil to watch poppa piglet. Things were a disaster, and he didn't want to admit it, but he missed his son badly, and wanted him to come home. Even though he was only gone for a few days.

Gil was home, he was safe in his arms, and he's going to be okay.. that's what mattered. He held Gil protectively. He's finally back where he's supposed to be. At home with his father.

After a little while mayor Shelbourne tried to get Gil to eat something warm, although Gil didn't seem to want to eat.. but mayor shelbourne wasn't taking no for an answer, and made Gil eat something warm, and take medicine. That was going to make him better. Especially rest. Gil didn't want to go to sleep, but the medicine made him sleepy.

This was what will make him better. He needed rest. Everything was going to be okay now. Gil was getting better. Which was good. Gil was home, and it would stay that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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