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It was the next day and Gil could already feel the wind blowing pretty hard. He missed his father so badly, but now he had to try and make it through this storm! It was coming. Norman was worried too. Gil was just glad he made a new friend during his time of need, but the worst part is, there was another storm coming after this one, there was a severe weather alert.

Gil had already went to a store to get more blankets so they don't freeze to death. The temperature had dropped intensely, and Gil was starting to feel sick, he could no longer feel his hands or feet. His head hurt badly as well, he fingers had turned blue from being out in the cold for so long. Everything hurt.

Luckily they were under some large forest trees and a tarp that blocked any rain. Gil, you don't look so good said Norman. I know, said Gil, but are you okay? You don't look so good either. Said Gil. I haven't been this cold in a long time, said Norman. I'm starting to not feel so good either. I worry we will both get sick through the night, said Norman. Me too, Gil replied.

Some time later:

Mayor Shelbourne, Flint, Sam, Officer Earl, Brent, and Tim were all out looking for Gil. Mayor Shelbourne could hardly think straight with all the panic inside him. Where is he?! Mayor Shelbourne couldn't keep the panic in. Gil seemed to vanish from the town with no trace. What if he's dead?? Brent said out loud.

NO HE CANT BE!!! Yelled out mayor Shelbourne. Everyone glared at Brent. Really?! Sam said. What? I was just being realistic.. Brent replied. There is one place we haven't checked yet. Said officer Earl. Where? Asked Flint. Up there.. said officer earl pointing to the mountain in the distance.

Why would Gil go up there? Asked flint. I don't know, but we should go up and look there anyway, better safe then sorry, said officer Earl. Well, we should split up. I'll go up there, said Flint. Everything in swallow falls was closing, stores were locked up, and everyone had gone home before the storm hit.

In the woods:

A few more hours have passed, and Gil found it harder, and harder to move. He felt frozen. So did Norman. They both started to have a hard time moving their hands. They both felt sick from being in the cold day after day. The both laid down under the tart that blocked the rain. Gil wrapped himself in more blankets. I'm not gonna beat around bush Gil.. I think we're catching hypothermia..

Gil felt tears forming in his eyes. I know.. he replied. Gil, you gotta go back to town and find shelter! You gotta go back home to your father, it's getting too cold and wet! You've been out here too long! I know it's not freezing but when your out here for days in the cold it can make you sick! Said Norman. Norman, I can barely even feel my legs.. said Gil. I can't. I wouldn't make it. Where your phone? We need help. Said Gil. The battery is dead, replied Norman. Oh great timing... said Gil.

A little while later Gil felt sicker and sicker, he began to get confused on where he was and why. Norman wasn't doing to well either, especially with his advanced age. He couldn't even walk that well either due to his injury. Things became blurry and dazed.. was he gonna make it through the night?

At the town:

You guys keep looking for Gil here, I'll be back. I don't know why but something is telling me to go look on up on the mountain. It doesn't take that long to get up there, I'll be back. Said Flint. I'm coming with you!!! Said Brent. Okay fine, Sam you stay with my dad and officer Earl and the mayor, in case Gil comes back here. Okay please be careful flint. Said Sam. Yes, please do be careful son, said Tim.

In the woods:

Gil had stopped shivering. He felt numb and confused. Where was he? Why was he in the woods? Why is it suddenly getting harder to think? Gil tried to get up and walk some, he barely made it a quarter of a mile before he collapsed. I was just too cold. It was winter. And the sun was setting. He didn't even know where he was, or where he was trying to go.

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