The Flowers Of Liyue And Mondstadt

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Morax remembered everything, and that meant everything. He couldn't forget, it was almost physically impossible for him to. Being the god of geo, his memory was, well, set in stone.

He remembered when all the five Yaksha were all still quite young and alive, he remembered each of their innocent faces before they became tainted by eons of senseless bloodshed. He often wished they could have all stayed that way, it really was a pity that they became weapons of war. He remembered that they wanted to live mortal lives after they finished in their wars.

They never lived out these wishes. They all died horribly brutal, tragic deaths. There was one left though. The youngest one, Alatus.

Alatus always was the rule stickler type, and he was the only one out of all the yaksha's that didn't want to live a mortal life. He had always put his service first, to the point of self sacrifice if need be. It was maddening to watch people he almost considered to be his children go insane one after the other, but Alatus, he felt, was going to stay for a while.

Alatus also considered the other yakshas to be family. So he was rightfully devastated after they all passed. He had found Alatus after he was used by another god in a war that left him absolutely insane. The adeptus was barely humanoid when Morax found him.

He then gave him the name of Xiao, and he served with the yakshas. One day, around a century ago, he had found Xiao lying on the ground, breathless from being attacked by karma. When he asked Xiao how he was, Xiao asked him how he learned how to play the Dihua flute so nicely. Morax was confused, and asked what he meant. "Never mind." Xiao simply said.

Another person always came to mind when Morax checked his memories. A long time ago, the gods had to meet for a head count on who had survived the archon war so far. Some weren't able to make it to the meeting, such as his partner, Guizhong. There, he saw an interesting god.

He had braids on either side of his head dyed a slight cyan in contrast to his black hair, and white cloth wrapped around him with the signature white hood of Celestia. His most distinct feature, however, were the white feathery wings protruding from his back.

After the meeting, the god came up to him. "Hello good sir, are you a dragon by any chance? I noticed your arms and your horns." Morax glanced back. "Yes indeed I am. I saw you at the summoning, which nation do you live in?" The god smiled a sunny smile. "I preside in Mondstadt, the city of wind and freedom! My name is Barbatos. And you, good sir? Which nation do you call home?" Morax raised an eyebrow.

Such a carefree, innocent god. It was almost unbelievable he had been through a war. And wait... "Before I answer, isn't the god of Mondstadt a tyrant named Decarabian?" The gods whole face darkened at the mention of the name.

"Yes... well, he was. I-my friend led a rebellion of the people of Mondstadt to free themselves from him. He was mortal, and..." He trailed off. Morax gave him a solemn look. "I am sorry for your loss. Brave mortals like that are what this world needs. You are a much better fit for that beautiful city than that ridiculous tyrant."

Barbatos gave him a small smile. "Thank you, sir. Now, have you been to Mondstadt before? You seem like you have." Morax grinned. "I have indeed been. I rule over the neighboring nation of Liyue, the harbor of stone and contracts. My name is Morax."

"Ah! The stone dragon. Nice to meet you. I have a feeling we'll be great friends." Morax smiled. "And so we shall, wind spirit." He became quite close with Barbatos after that. They had both lost people close to them in the archon war, and they both loved their nations dearly.

Xiao liked Barbatos, too. One day years later, Barbatos was with him, playing the dihua flute again under the disguise of a bard, hiding his feathery wings. He was singing a song as he blew into the flute.

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