New And Old

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Venti walked along the streets of Mondstadt, not really aiming to go anywhere but at the same time he had a faint destination in mind. The Angels Share tavern was his favorite place in the city.

And if Diluc was the bartender today, he thought, he might give me some wine and apples in exchange for a song or two. He sped up. It was a chilly night, not freezing cold like Dragonspine but certainly not warm.

When he entered the bar, he noticed a ton of familiar faces. Kaeya, Rosaria, and Lisa were sitting at the bar table, laughing and teasing each other.

Amber and Eula were at the center of the action, dancing (or failing to dance, in Ambers case), Albedo and Sucrose were chatting away in the back, and acting grand master Jean was standing by the bartender's counter, talking with Diluc, who was... smiling?

He didn't want to ruin their moment, so he just took a seat by the bar and waited for Diluc to come over.

A while later, they finished up their conversation and as Diluc walked back to the bar, his smile faded. "What do you want, bard." Venti smiled. "Perhaps a drink or an apple for a song?"

Diluc rolled his eyes. "Fine, but just one. I'm a little busy tonight." "With the acting grand master?" He said teasingly. "It's okay, I know the feeling of wanting to be with someone, wanting to... you know."

Diluc flushed a brighter red than his hair.

"N-no, that's not it at all! We have a working relationship, that's all. We respect each other. That's it." Venti laughed. "Yep, and that's why your ears are turning as red as a cherry right now."

Diluc covered his ears. "S-shut up. What do you want?" "Oh nothing, I just-"And who is this?" A voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Xiao! I didn't expect to see you here. Miss me already?" Xiao rolled his eyes and smiled. "No, I'm here on "official Liyue business." But I suppose I could spend some time with you instead. Mor..."

He noticed Diluc there. "Zhongli can wait a bit." Diluc raised an eyebrow. "This a friend of yours, Venti?" Venti looked to Diluc, then back to Xiao. "Oh my, how rude of me. Diluc, this is my..." He looked at Xiao, who shook his head.

"Close friend, Xiao. He's another immortal from Liyue. Xiao, this is Diluc, he owns the Dawn Winery and comes here to work at Angel's Share sometimes."

"Ah, that explains the aura. Now I'll... leave you guys to it." The redhead walked away. "And there he goes, back to the grand master again."

"Huh?" Xiao asked. "He has a... very obvious crush on the acting grand master of Mondstadt." Xiao sighed in relief. "Ah, I see." Venti stared.
"Wait... you weren't jealous, were you?" "N-no! Of course not!" Xiao's bright red face said differently, though.

"It's okay if you were, but you should know I love you and only you. Besides." He leaned in, close to Xiao's ear, and whispered. "I'm into guys who just happen to be shorter than me, and those are hard to come across."

Xiao shivered at how close Venti was. "I-I'm not that short..." "Aww, but you are. It's okay. You may be short, but you are so strong." He ran his hands up Xiao's right arm, causing Xiao to jerk towards him, and then pulled away.
"Anyways, babe, what did Morax want you to do." Xiao shook himself back to his senses.

"He wanted me to bring you to Liyue. He said he wanted to talk to you." Venti blinked. "He wants to what now?" "Yeah, I thought it was weird too. But he seemed to genuinely want to speak with you, and not lecture you about... stuff."

Venti sighed. "Fine, I'll check up on the old man, just to make sure it's not serious. But if he starts with the lecturing, I am leaving." Xiao nodded. "So then, shall we walk?"
Xiao P.O.V

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