Husks of Our True Identities

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Centuries later, Morax goes only by Zhongli. But still, he had realized that he hadn't quite seen Barbatos in a while. Not since the battle of Khaenri'ah, anyways. And that was centuries ago, he thought. So reconnecting with Barbatos would be good. A nice way to cleanse his mind while visiting an old friend. Especially with that contract with the Tsaritsa... he shook the thought off quickly.

Zhongli shouldn't be thinking of things like this now. He eventually realized, as he walked towards the border, that he had passed by Wangshu Inn. He suddenly remembered why he didn't visit Barbatos much. Sigh.

He was gonna have to take Xiao with him, wasn't he. So he walked up to Wangshu Inn. "Hello, boss." He said as he walked into the inn. "Hello Mr. Zhongli. It is quite the pleasure to see you. Would you like to see Xiao? I do believe he is on the second floor, as always."

Verr Goldet was dutifully standing at her desk, as always. "The pleasure is all mine, boss." He answered. He ascended up to the second floor, eventually getting to Xiao's room. He sighed when he came in. As always, the bed was perfectly made, a reminder that Xiao never slept. He always said he didn't need to, but even Zhongli needed rest at his prime when he had his gnosis. So he knew Xiao was lying.

Immortals didn't "need" sleep, but they could have serious problems with mental or physical health if they don't get the proper amount of mind-rest. Zhongli, for example, knew he needed sleep when he started hallucinating.

He was pretty sure Xiao had a similar issue, as in he had hallucinations, but he was also pretty sure Xiao had a heightened emotional rush, as well. So he often became rash and cold. Whatever. That was a continual problem to deal with another time.

"Xiao! Xiao? It's Zhongli! I wanted to ask you something?" At that moment, Xiao materialized in front of him.
"What do you inquire, master?"

Zhongli sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? There's no need to be so formal. Just call me Zhongli, or Rex Lapis in private if you must." Xiao looked down. "I apologize, Rex Lapis. But what was it you needed to ask me?" "Ah, yes!" Zhongli continued. "I was about to make a trip to Mondstadt to visit Barbatos. I take it you two are close, so I thought you may want to come along?"

Xiao's eyes lit up at the mention of Barbatos. "S-sure! I'll be there! When do we leave?" Zhongli chuckled. They were really good friends, lucky to have each other. It was sad he had to be so jealous of their friendship just because a past relationship of his... never mind. "We can leave now, if you wish."

"Yes please!" And so the two started to walk the long road towards Mondstadt. They eventually came to the main city, where they stopped at a convenience store. Mondstadt General Goods, it was called. "I believe he spends his times drinking himself away at a local tavern. Perhaps we can ask where the tavern is located? Mondstadters always know where the nearest one is." Xiao nodded.

Zhongli looked around, eventually finding a short girl with a claymore that had a geo vision and was practicing her fighting tactics on training dummies nearby. Perfect.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" The girl turned around. "Oh hello sir! Are you new here? My name is Noelle, it's quite a pleasure to meet you. And you, sir, you don't look like you're from around here either!" Zhongli smiled. Geo visions truly were extraordinary people.

"The pleasure is mine, young miss. We are tourists from the neighboring nation of Liyue, my name is Zhongli and this is my... son, Xiao. We were wondering if you could direct us to the nearest tavern?"

Xiao raised an eyebrow. Son? He thought. Does he... really think of me in that way? That personally? He pushed the thoughts aside for then, as the girl cheerfully directed them to the nearest tavern, a place called Angel's Share. He was excited to see Barbatos again. He hadn't quite seen him in about a year, and he missed him.

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