Love Always Lasts Longer Than An Immortal Soul

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Zhongli stood at the Liyue-Mondstadt border, wondering why he was. Just because he saw Xiao enter? Xiao had his own personal affairs, he didn't have to tell Zhongli about every one of them.

But still, the nagging jealousy was there. So he slipped past the border into Mondstadt, hoping to follow Xiao undetected. But he was stopped by a short anemo bard. "Hello, Barbatos." "Why hello, Morax. Why in the name of Celestia might you be coming into my nation?"

The words were friendly, but the tone was threatening. "Ah, Barbatos, don't worry about me. I'm just taking a stroll." Barbatos gave him an incredulous look. "Ah yes, a stroll, without telling me, or Xiao for that matter-"I just saw Xiao run over the border, I thought he was with you?"

"Xiao doesn't need to tell me his every movement, and I don't think you need to know his every step either." "I never said he did, god of Mondstadt." The two archons glared at each other.

Things had been tense between the two old friends since Barbatos began being touchy with Xiao around a couple hundred years ago. Now things were especially bad since Zhongli had seen Xiao being comfortable with Venti grabbing and touching him for comfort. Xiao eventually came up to the two of them. 

"Archons, Venti, I have been looking for you everywhere, I..." Xiao noticed the two glaring at each other and went up to Venti. "Hey, am I interrupting something? I can come back later-"No, it's fine. Morax needs to learn that some things can not be ordered around."

Xiao looked confused and stared up at Zhongli. "Uh, hey Rex Lapis. What are you-"Don't. Now what was it you wanted to tell me, Xiao?"  Venti said. Morax glared at Barbatos, who stuck his tongue out in response. He pulled Xiao over to him by the hip and strolled off, leaving Zhongli angrily staring. Well now. He thought.

I was going to genuinely mind my own business, but I guess Barbatos loves to piss me off way too much now.

He quietly followed them, yet again having to conceal his aura so neither of the immortals he was trailing could notice him. After a while, he trailed them to Windrise. "What was that about, Venti?" Xiao quietly asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just Morax and I having one of our little spats." Xiao rolled his eyes. "You should be nicer to him."

"Why? He doesn't control your actions. Which means if he tells you to stop seeing me, you could very well refuse." Xiao blushed. "T-that makes it sound like we're dating."

"Are we not? Last time I saw you, you seemed to be quite fine with the idea." Xiao's eyes widened at the comment from Venti. "Sorry. Xiao, if you don't want to be, we most certainly do not have to be." Xiao blushed.

"Well... I suppose I'm fine with it." Venti laughed. "Good to know. I, um, I'm in..." he sighed. "I love you, and you don't have to say it back." Venti brushed Xiao's hair out of his face. Xiao laughed. "Your hands tickle! Stop it!"

Venti pulled himself closer to Xiao, positioning his body over the adeptus's. "Hmmm, Xiao, would you mind if I... kissed you?" Xiao's eyes widened, and he stepped back stammering. "I-I don't think I'm ready-"That's okay. I can wait as many millennia as is necessary." Xiao looked at the floor.

"I feel like you are disappointed, though." "I'm not, my love, I promise. You could never disappoint me." Venti tenderly caressed his cheek as the two snuggled a bit underneath Windrise. A bit later, Xiao spoke. "You still seem... slightly sad."

Venti smiled. "Stop saying that. I'm ready when you're ready, that's final." Xiao looked into Venti's eyes, and blushed slightly. "Well then, even if I'm not ready, I still want to do this." "What are you going to..."

Venti never did get to finish his sentence, as Xiao kissed him on the cheek before he could. The kiss only seemed to last a second, as he quickly pulled away soon after, but Venti pulled him back in again to kiss him back on the forehead.

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