Chapter 9

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(A/N: Merry Christmas y'all ❤️)


Stan couldn't help but wish his brother was able to return home faster.

When the twins had first shown up at his doorstep, he'd called his brother to let him know of the situation the minute they'd fallen asleep. Ford had instantly replied that he was on his way home, but regretfully, with the adventure he'd been out on, it would take a while.

Granted, out of the two of them Stan was more experienced with dealing with their niece and nephew, while Ford still found such affection awkward. Even so, Stan knew how much Dipper admired and looked up to his Grunkle Ford. Part of him was sure he'd be more willing to come out of his shell if he were here in his place right now.

Perhaps that's how he found himself in this situation.

It had been two days since the twins' first day here, the day their mother had called to question Stan. As already stated, Dipper had seemed to have his ups and downs, but just as he seemed to be doing better, everything just got a whole lot worse.

He honestly didn't know how it happened. He'd been trying to be a good Grunkle; trying to be supportive. Maybe it was because of Dipper's lack of speaking, or his constant shying away. Maybe it made Mabel even easier to bond with, what with her open energetic attitude rolling right over Dipper's newly quiet and shy one.

Or even, the worse to admit, maybe Stan pushed so hard because he wanted to have that same closeness that he had with Mabel, with Dipper. The same kind Dipper already had with Ford. Perhaps he was jealous of his twin brother once more.

Actually, maybe it was all of those combined that brought them here. Outside in the chilly night air, Dipper sobbing in Ford's arms while Mabel glared at him harshly.


Getting ahead of ourselves here, let's start back at the beginning. Back to this morning…

"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" Stan called up the stairs. He couldn't help but smile at the peaceful morning attitude in the air as he returned to the kitchen to get the pancakes on their plates.

Almost immediately he heard the rush of a set of footsteps down the stairs, the floorboards creaking and cracking under the force as Mabel burst into the kitchen.

"Morning Grunkle!!" She cheered, flashing a smile full of braces at him as she stood in the doorway.

Stan couldn't help but chuckle at her entrance, "Morning, Mabel. Why don't you take a seat at the table," he gestured to the chair as he set two plates on said table.

Mabel beamed up at him, still in her pajamas and her hair still having yet to be brushed, "Thanks, Grunkle! I will in a sec, just waiting for Dippin' Dots!" She chirped.

Stan let out an almost dry chuckle, but decided to push aside the prick of worry. The pair were still pretty clingy to each other, but that was normal after a traumatic experience, right? Especially for twins!

"I don't know how you're so energetic in the morning. You haven't even made your Mabel Juice yet.." he decided to joke. Well, half joke anyways. If she had grown to be this energetic in the mornings without Mabel Juice. Well.. he was afraid to see what kind of adrenaline boost it would give her now.

"Not yet!" Mabel replied, much to Stan's dismay. Before he could even think of trying to talk her down from making her juice concoction, Dipper had shuffled into the room.

He'd been so quiet, Stan hadn't even heard him come down the stairs. Thankfully though, the presence of her brother was enough to completely distract Mabel from thoughts of Mabel Juice as she perked up at the sight of him.

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