Chapter 4

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Mabel sleepily opened her eyes, noticing it was dark outside. She sat up in the seat, glancing down at Dipper to see him still asleep. 

"How long was I sleeping?" Mabel mumbled to herself.

It couldn't have been more than a few hours. Mabel decided she could ask the bus driver.

"Hey, excuse me sir?" Mabel said, waving her free hand above the seats to get his attention. The man glanced at her using the rearview mirror before replying.


"How much longer until we get to Gravity Falls?" She asked.

"Huh?" The man asked, giving her a squinting glance before focusing back on the road. She huffed before shifting her brother to lean against the window so she could stand. Once she had Dipper situated she stood and carefully made her way to the front of the bus.

"I said, how much longer until we get to Gravity Falls?" Mabel repeated.

"Oh. Well I'd say about another four and a half hours." The bus driver replied. Mabel sighed in response.

"How long is the whole drive?" She asked.

"Eight hours."

"Well, that's not so bad. Thanks sir!" Mabel turned around and made her way back to their seat. When she went to sit down, she realized Dipper was fidgeting and muttering in his sleep.

"No. Mm stop. N-" Dipper cut himself off with a whimper, curling in on himself. 

"Uh." Mabel bit her lip and moved to help, but hesitated. It could pass, and he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. Should she wake her brother up or let him sleep?

Dipper cut though Mabel's thoughts when he let out a small whine. He shifted in the seat, hands gripping onto his hair while he slept not so peacefully. 

"M-Ma… bal. Help, pl- please!" Dipper choked out, tightening his grip on his hair. That snapped Mabel out of her hesitance. She quickly sat down besides her distressed brother and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a little shake.

"Bro, wake up! It's me, It's Mabel. Your okay." Mabel said, trying to wake her twin. Dipper let out another whimper but didn't wake.

"Dipper!" Mabel cried out, giving her brother's shoulders a rough shake. Dipper's eyes flew open as he gasped for breath, knuckles going white from how hard he was gripping his hair.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay. Your fine bro bro." Mabel murmured soothingly, lifting her own hands to Dipper's and gently prying them open, releasing the grip on his hair.

"I- I-" Dipper's vision went blurry from the tears gathering in his eyes. Mabel leaned forward and enveloped Dipper in a comforting hug, causing Dipper to squeeze his eyes shut and try to even out his erratic breathing.

"Its okay, Dipper." Mabel said. Dipper sucked in a huge gasp and buried his face in Mabel's shoulder. 

"I- I'm sorry Mabel." Dipper stuttered, pulling away and wiping at his eyes. Mabel gave him a confused look. Dipper let out a shaky sigh before continuing.

"I shouldn't be acting like this I should be b-" He broke off, biting back a sob and glaring at the ground. 

"Should what?" Mabel asked.

"I should be… better." Dipper whispered, blinking rapidly to clear his vision of tears.

"Dipper." Mabel murmured.

"I can take it, I can…" Dipper trailed off, biting his lip in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.

"Dip, what she did to you wasn't okay. You have every right to be upset and… not okay." Mabel said. Dipper kept his gaze trained on his lap.

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