Chapter 1

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(A/N: [Sadly] Waddles stayed in Gravity Falls when they left to go home.)


Why did Mabel have to go to her friend's house?

"Hey Ma-"

"Alright, see you sometime after dinner bro!" Mabel exclaimed, cutting Dipper off without realizing it. She happily waved to her brother before rushing off in the direction of her friends house.

Dipper sighed, feeling the dread coiling in his stomach as he continued the walk from the bus stop to home by himself.

Soon enough he arrived in front of the house, opening the door and silently walking inside. He closed the door behind him as quietly as possible, and began to cross the living room, heading for the stairs. Apparently, he hadn't been quite enough.

"Dipper!" Cried a woman. Dipper froze in fear at the voice, his mother's voice.

Their father had passed a while ago, sometime before Dipper and Mabel had left their home in Piedmont, California to go to Gravity Falls for the summer. They all thought they were doing okay, seeing the situation, but ever since they came back from Gravity Falls, Dipper had noticed that something had changed while they were gone. For instance, their mother drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk.

Mabel didn't know of course, Lucy always acted normal when Mabel was around, but as soon as she was out of the house; Dipper would become their mother's punching bag. Not by choice of course. But he could take it if it kept Mabel safe and happy. He could handle it.

"Where have you been?!" Their mother yelled.

All the same, Dipper was terrified. Their mother was obviously over the top drunk, he could tell from the slur when she spoke. He slowly turned around to see his mom standing in front of him, looking angry and swaying a bit where she stood. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing gray sweats and a tank top.

"Well!?" His mother asked, taking a threatening step closer. Dipper, in turn, took a small, stumbling step backwards.

"I- I was just walking home from the b-bus stop." Dipper stuttered. Yep, he can definitely handle it.

"Oh really? I doubt that! Why can't you just- ugh!" Lucy seemed to give up on whatever she was trying to say. Instead, her hand shot out and grabbed Dipper by the hair, knocking his hat off in the process. Dipper gasped in pain, hands instinctively going to the one grasping his hair.

"M'sorry." Dipper whimpered, knowing what was coming next.

Lucy made an angry scoff, ignoring Dipper's apology and shoving his head into the wall. Dark spots danced before Dipper's eyes. He quickly tried to blink them away as his mother yanked him forward and shoved him to the ground. Dipper had to stifle the small yelp from his bookbag jabbing into his back.

"Stupid!" Lucy growled, kicking him in the side. Dipper couldn't help the cry of pain and immediately his hands flew up to cover his mouth. His eyes were wide, and then he felt his mother yanking him to his feet by his hair. Dipper couldn't suppress a small whimper from the unexpected pain.

"Shut. Up!" Lucy yelled, shoving Dipper into the wall again. Dipper squeezed his eyes shut from the pain as his mom shoved him face first to the floor again. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, looking up to find his mother approaching him with a vase raised over her head.

Dipper felt his eyes sting with unshed tears and he pressed himself as best as he could against the wall.

"No no please I'll be quiet! I d-" Dipper had to cut himself off for a gasping breath. Lucy was above him now, mere seconds away from smashing the vase on Dipper.

The the front door opened and-

"Mom?!" A familiar voice cried out.

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