Chapter 1

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It is 3AM. The summer night gently bring in humid wind through the bedroom window. The buzzing of mosquitoes seem to blur in one with the honking of vehicles below

16 year old Aki Hayakawa just has the revelation of his life

"I am inside a simulation" he sip on a can of coca cola "None of this devil shit is real, and I'm dreaming it all up"

See, this is the sort of things police use to caution people against using edibles, but Aki knew what he remembered wasn't a fabricated memory. Otherwise he'd be insane

He had a dream about another world where there are no Devils. A world so similar to his own, but yet different. And he felt as if he'd been living in there for a long time

Aki would tell you he's not religious, and he believes in rational thoughts over impulsive intuitions. So, being a man who only trust in himself, he knew the world he dreamt of is not false. Which means the one he lives in does not exist

"There is only one way to prove it" Aki got up his chair and walked to the balcony. The wind is strong, and neon lights move slowly down in the street, like signals on an electrical board

The chaos in this world is an organized system preordained to follow the same programming. A set of working components designed to stimulate reality to their utmost faithfulness

"If this world is a simulation. It mean two possibilities exist: that I will wake in the real world when I die, or the world will prevent me from doing so" He step on foot on the ledge "To test this hypothesis, I will commit suicide"

Aki jump off the window and plummet six stories down below


The beeping of hospital monitor alert him that he is alive. Aki's eyes flutter open, taking in the blurring white around him. His head is a mess, tortured with a throbbing migraine

There is movement above and to the side. Men in white coats move around chaotically. Are they enemies? Perhaps they are members of a cult worshipping the simulation that they live in

"Hello mr.Hayakawa. Are you feeling well?" One of the cult members ask "I am doctor Rugi. You are currently in the hospital after suffering many fractures in the ribs, pelvis, and femur"

He carefully observe them

They are so good at acting it's making him suspicious. If Aki didn't know better, he'd say they are genuine doctors instead of crazy lunatics forcing him into this simulation

"How did I survive?"

"Ah. I'm not surprised. Falling at that height would have killed almost anyone save for elite Devil Hunters" the cultist smile "Luckily, you fell right into a truck carrying children pillows which cushioned your fall, and came out of it with the minimal defree of injury expected from that situation"

"I see..." he mumbled, the doctor shuffle the oaper in his hand

"Now we'll be doing a few checks on you. After this is over, you can choose to go home or—"

"I'll be going home, thanks" he smile at him. Aki got up despite the doctor's protest. His bones creak and he felt pain shooting up his arm, but he ignore them and open the door

The night sky reflected in his eyes as he left the hospital room. He breathed in the cold air and exhale

"I didn't die" Aki blink "I didn't die. I wasn't insane. This entire world is a simulation made to imprison me. It simply does not exist. Everything isn't real"

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