chapter four: てんとう虫

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Despite Karin's insistence of finding somewhere for the two girls to sit, Keiko wanted to find Tangerine. He hadn't specifically said where he was going, so she didn't know where to look besides the way that he had gone down the train. So, they made their way down the train together, peeking in all the seats in case he was sat there. 

Keiko couldn't really explain why she had wanted to find Tangerine, just that with the way things had ended, she didn't know if he would end up needing her help, and even though she wasn't extremely talented at fist-fights, she was nimble and quick. 

So when the two of them entered the car and saw two men hanging out of the train, and heard one shouting with a thick British accent, they instantly rushed to the open door to get them back into the car. Keiko and Karin hoisted what looked to be an American hippie into the car before grabbing onto the arms of Tangerine, quickly bringing him inside as well. 

"Oh, thank you--"

"Are you okay?" Keiko looked at Tangerine as he panted in one of the chairs. 

"I'm gonna fuckin' kill him--"

"No!" Keiko shoved him back down into the seat. "He didn't do anything! I already told you--"

"He's the one that stashed the case to begin with!" Tangerine protested. 

"But he doesn't have it now, does he?" Keiko raised her eyebrows. "So why don't you just let him explain?"

"Thank you!" The man sighed. "That's all I wanted--"

The long-haired man was cut off by Tangerine's phone ringing, to which he rolled his eyes before picking it out of his pocket and placing it on speaker. Everyone intently waited for someone on the other end to speak, and eventually, they did. 

"The White Death says to get off at next stop holding the briefcase or he will kill everyone on that train," The voice on the phone ordered.

"Okay, yeah, I can make it, but Lemon, he's a little tied up right now," Tangerine rolled his eyes.

"Both of you this time. With the case. Or everyone dies." They hung up the phone, leaving everyone to look around. 

"Fuckin' paranoid, this lot," Tangerine put his phone back in his pocket. "You don't happen to have the case on you, do ya?" He questioned everyone. 

"No," The rest chorused. 

"Yeah, I don't think I'd reach Lemon in time anyway. You still got his phone," He sighed. 

"Do you have a gun?" Keiko suggested. 

"No, I don't like em," The hippie shook his head. 

"Karin?" Keiko raised her eyebrows. 

"Forgot them in the car," She mumbled back. 

"Well... game's up, mate,"  Tangerine threw his hands up in anguish. "For what it's worth, you seem like a right fucking asshole and I'm glad you're gonna fucking die with me."

"That's nice," He sarcastically muttered. 

"Sorry about you, love, but... at least you'll be joining the other one," Tangerine stood up, referring to Kimiko. 

"Do they know what Lemon looks like?" Karin suggested. "I mean, you two practically look the same--"

"Oh, fuck you--"

"Answer the question," Keiko cut off Tangerine. "Have they seen Lemon?"


"So then hippie will be Lemon and you grab yourself a fake silver briefcase. Go!" Keiko ordered them. 

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