chapter six: レモン

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It didn't take long for the group to find where Lemon had been. The wire around one of the bathrooms, discovered by Tangerine, was quite an indicator that something was in there. Keiko took note that the old man that had been with the girl was also there, yet that wasn't the most important discovery within the train's bathroom. 

"Lemon," Tangerine whispered, bending down to his side. 

Keiko noticed the holes in his shirt and assumed they must have been bullets, fired by that fucking bitch that had knocked Keiko out earlier. She bent down to the side of Lemon and felt for his pulse, feeling that it was indeed still there. 

"He's not dead," Keiko grabbed onto Tangerine's arm, a sigh of relief escaping from him. "Just passed out."

"There's no blood either, so it's not from blood loss," Keiko noted, looking at the bullet wounds. 

"Well, Lemon doesn't bleed, so," Tangerine nodded. 

"He drank the water!" Ladybug smiled, throwing his hands up as if he had figured it out. "I... may have slipped sleeping powder into his water when we first... met."

"You fucking bellend--"

"Okay, it's alright," Keiko grabbed Tangerines hands that were about to grasp onto Ladybugs neck. "At least we know he isn't dead, right?"

"Right," Tangerine nodded. Suddenly his phone rang, causing everyone to turn to face him. He put the phone on speaker. 

"You have been lying to me, my friend," A voice spoke on the other end as Karin reached into the old mans hands, grabbing the gun before emptying and refilling it. 

"Well, cat's out of the bag now, innit?" Tangerine replied. 

"You were responsible for keeping my son safe, for keeping my money safe."

"I don't know a thing or two about being a parent, but do you know what I would do, being that it's your son and your money?" Tangerine ranted. "I'd stop crying about your dead wife, get off your fucking lazy ass, come here and finish the job yourself. But as we're having a bit of a heart-to-heart, got a couple of things to tell ya."

"Tangerine," Keiko whispered, earning only a glare from the man. 

"Your sons a complete bellend and fuckin' deserves to be bleeding out of his eye sockets. Whoever fucking killed him had to be really skilled to get past five infamous assassins, and as for your case, I haven't seen it since Tokyo. And I hope someone's fuckin' found it, put it all on red and is having a fuckin' wonderful time," He finished. 

"I will meet you at Kyoto Station," The White Death spoke after a moment. 

"Oh, how wonderful. I can't fucking wait," He scoffed. 

"I want to look into your eyes when I kill you and your brother," He spat. 

"My brother," Tangerine glanced over to the passed-out form of Lemon, a sad look on his face. "Morning rush hours rolling in quite nicely, uh, what's your plan, mate? You gonna fuckin' waltz up here and blow my brains out in front of the whole fuckin' carriage of witnesses?"

"There is no one left on that train," He replied. "I know. I bought every ticket until the end of the line."

The phone hung up, leaving everyone to look at each other with confused looks on their faces. Tangerine quickly darted out of the room and down the carriage, leaving the three with Lemon. 

"Let's just... close this," Ladybug closed the door to the bathroom, walking after Tangerine, leaving just the girl again. 

"Do I still get to be the flower girl at your wedding?" She joked as they followed slowly after the guys. 

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