Shrek, a reclusive and lone ogre, has his peaceful life interrupted when fairy tale creatures supposedly invade his homeland and privacy.
So he, alongside of a humanoid Death Dragon boy, travel to Duloc to deal with the scheming Lord Farquaad, who t...
Sure enough, the day turned into night. Both Shrek and Dante were preparing dinner. Shrek was having some grubs, worms and a slug while Dante was outside cooking part of a buffalo that must have passed on three hour ago, along with some salmon that he caught in a nearby river. Shrek caught a whiff of the fish while Dante was marinating it with Teriyaki sauce that he somehow managed to smuggle into the knights' black market when he was captured. A pot was also boiling, thanks to a cooking fire below the pot.
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The ogre came outside while Dante was busy preparing the freshly cooked salmon filets.
"Hey Dante, what are you cooking, huh? That smells great." Shrek asked.
"Dante smiled proudly. "I'm cooking buffalo meat along with some salmon filets marinated in Teriyaki sauce."
Shrek was puzzled when he heard this. "Teriyaki sauce?" He questioned.
Dante nodded. "Yes. Teriyaki sauce originated in Hawaii with the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants who invented a new marinade by mixing pineapple juice with soy sauce which eventually evolved into Teriyaki sauce. I have some back at my cave. I usually put it on the fish that I cooked. My cave is located near a lake where there's an abundance of fish of different species. Out of all of them, salmon is my favorite."
Shrek tried one of the marinated filets and his eyes widened. The Teriyaki salmon was absolutely delicious. "Wow. This is amazing. Maybe you should teach me how to cook some of this." He said with a wide smile.
Dante laughed. "I'd be glad to. I love sharing my recipes with others. And if you thought that was good, wait until you try some of my Teriyaki marinated venison." He said.
Shrek continued smiling. "Hey, that sounds great. I've heard of venison, and yet I never got a chance to try it. So, I think I'm gonna love it." The ogre replied.
Shrek checked over all of the food, seeing that everything was in order. He sat down and lights a candle made out of earwax. Dante nodded to him, who has a large buffalo leg and marinated Teriyaki salmon filets in from of him which had been cooked to perfection. The two friends nod their heads, and began enjoying their meals. But, as they do so, they hear something which makes them get up from their seats.
"What the heck was that noise?" Dante muttered in frustration.
"That's strange. I thought I got rid of all of the bugs." Shrek sighed.
The two of them began to walk around. They heard the sound grow more frequent, as well as seeing shadows moving across the walls. Eventually, they spotted 3 blind mice walking around on the table.
"How did they-" Dante grunted.
"Well, gents, it's a far cry from the farm, but what choice do we have?" One of the mice said.
"It's not home, but it'll do just fine." A 2nd mouse added in.
The 3rd blind mouse was now bouncing on the slug. "What a lovely bed."