Chapter 7: Fight with Robin Hood

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The very next morning, Fiona awoke to the rising sun. She looked to see that Shrek, Dante and Clementine were fast asleep. Although, a small smirk stretched across her face when she noticed that Clementine was sleeping in Dante's arms. But aside from that, Fiona opted to take the opportunity to go and maybe get some breakfast.

Fiona wandered off into the woods, and she soon came across a blue bird, then began to sing. The bird hears her voice, and sings along with her. Fiona started singing higher notes, with the bird struggling to keep up with her. Suddenly, the pressure of the note was too much, and the bird exploded. Fiona looked rather sheepish at what happened, but then eyed the eggs that the bird had left behind.

After a while, Fiona was cooking the eggs for breakfast. The smell of the cooking eggs got the attention of Clementine and Shrek, the two of them looking over to see Fiona cooking.

 The smell of the cooking eggs got the attention of Clementine and Shrek, the two of them looking over to see Fiona cooking

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Dante groaned as he opened his eyes. He noticed that Clementine was lying on top of him while his arms were wrapped around her. "Uh... Clementine, is everything okay?" he asked.
Clementine looked down to see that Dante was awake, only now discovering what happened overnight. The two friends blushed at each other's predicament, yet they couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm fine, Dante. I don't know what happened last night, but the only thing I remember was falling asleep in your arms. And I'll admit, I definitely felt safe for the first time in years. I almost never want to forget about last night." she said.

Dante chuckled. "The feeling is mutual. But, maybe we can talk about this a little more after we take the princess to Duloc. In fact, that'll give us plenty of time to talk about plans for the future."

Clementine giggled. "I like that idea. But for now, I smell eggs."

"Morning. How do you guys like your eggs?" Fiona called to them.

"Oh, good morning, Princess. I have to admit, I'm surprised to see you in a better mood this morning." Dante replied, smiling.

"What's all this about?" Shrek asked to Fiona.

"Well, we got off to a bad start yesterday." Fiona replied to him. "And I wanted to make it up to you. I mean, you did rescue me after all." She then brought the cooked eggs over to them.

"Uh, thanks." Shrek blinked, not sure of what to say but that.

"mm." Clementine smiled as she saw the eggs.

"This reminds me of the salmon I used to cook in my cave." Dante replied.

"Well, eat up." Fiona told them with a smile. "We have a big day ahead of us."

Dante nodded. "As much as I hate to say it, she does make a good point. I've heard that Farquaad is not exactly a patient man. Try as he might, it never takes long for Farquaad's patience to run out."

Clementine and Shrek looked at Dante with confusion on their faces, unsure of what to think at the moment. Did something happen last night to the Princess to be nice to them?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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