Chapter 4: Welcome to Duloc

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After a long walk through the forests, Dante, Shrek and Clementine were now making their way through a huge cornfield, heading up to a parking lot where there was a multitude of horses with carriages alongside of them, all of which was in front of a large castle.

"Here we are, boys." Clementine announced, after patting one of the horses. "We've finally arrived."

"That's it, Shrek. The Kingdom of Duloc." Dante announced, standing next to the ogre, as they looked at the structure before them. "The 'big' man lives in those castle walls."

Duloc is situated on the edge of a giant cornfield, surrounded by high walls, and accessible via turnstiles at the entrance parking lot. Towering over the city is Duloc Castle.

"So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle

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"So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle." Shrek commented, looking up and down at the sight.

"Yep, that's the place alright." Dante agreed. He eyed the top of the castle. "Man, I bet it is a pain to climb up all of the flights of stairs."

"Do you think he's trying to compensate for something?" Shrek joked with a chuckle, Dante laughed in response while Clementine rolled her eyes with a snicker, and the three made their way along towards the front gate.

As they approached, they saw that there was a person with a large Farquaad head, who recently greeted two people that were running off into the castle. Dante and Shrek raised an eyebrow to one another, while Clementine was amused by the big headed costume.

"Hey, you!" Shrek called. The attendant screamed out when he saw Shrek, and began running through the rows of rope to get to the front gate in an effort to get away from Shrek. "Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you. I just- I just-" Shrek sighed and began walking straight through the rows, knocking down the ropes.

The attendant tried to run through the turnstiles ahead, only for the large head to bump into the roof, and the attendant was knocked out cold as he fell down.

"Yare yare daze. Ano otoko wa kazen'na bakadatta." Dante sighed. (Translation from Japanese: Good grief. That man was a complete idiot.)

"Some people don't know how to control themselves." Clementine commented as she stared at the unconscious attendant. "Let's go, boys."

Shrek made his way through the turnstiles, with Dante flipping over it, Clementine alongside of him. The three of them made their way into the courtyard of the whole kingdom.

 The three of them made their way into the courtyard of the whole kingdom

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