holiday mess

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tysm @mayascottonpicker for helping me come up with this 💗

summary: it's christmas day and you planned to host a party with all your close friends but when your gf Robin brings over another girl things get messy.

1.8k words

    Y/N'S POV:

It was christmas day and Steve and I somehow layed out a plan for all of our friends to gather and have a party. I'm surprised how cool the kids' parents were with having them come over after they opened presents with their own families but I was grateful. I was really excited since this was the first Christamas spent together with Robin as my girlfriend so everything needed to be perfect. I even had the perfect gift for her, it took months to figure out but I got the perfect thing. We decorated my living room with Christmas lights and fake snow. The Christmas tree was still up with presents under it for us, and the table was full of homemade treats for everyone. After everything that happened to us we all kind of became a little family brought together by pure trauma. It's sad that the upside down and its monsters even happened but it's comforting to have each other in the end.

Ever since Will went missing Steve and I basically became the perfect platonic pair we bonded over shared trauma and our similar home lives. So wherever Steve signed up to get a job I also signed up. Scoops Ahoy is where we met Robin, I remember on the first day Robin and I became close since when she was scooping an icecream for a customer she ended up dropping it right on my shirt so Steve took over while she profusely apologized to me in the back trying to clean my shirt. We made it a habit to make fun of Steve and all his failed attempts at picking up a girl. She held the board while I drew all the tallies under 'you suck'.

One horrible thing led to another and we somehow found ourselves drugged in the bathroom and confessing to each other after throwing up in the toilets. After the battle with the mind flayer she asked me out on a date.

Now things have been going well and our relationship seemed to blossom. She brought me flowers almost every week and we were attached to the hip. In the family video store we always snuck in the back for a kiss or two and after work we slept over at eachothers house. Everything was perfect to me 

Except one thing..


I don't know why but this year when Robin and Vickie suddenly got closer in the band it bothered me. Vickie was a gorgeous girl and I can see that but I also saw the way she acted around Robin. She would inch closer as they talked and found any way to have her hands on her. When I expressed my emotions about Vickie to Robin she denied everything and said that it was nothing to worry about and how "she's just really friendly to everyone"

I don't know how true that was though since when we talked she was never very touchy or extra friendly to me..

But it's Christmas and I don't want the thought of Vickie to sour my mood.

I wasn't alone decorating my house today since Steve helped me. He said he wanted to help since he knew both of our parents wouldn't even bother to be here for the holidays. This party meant a lot for Steve and I since everyone else had a warm home with a family to celebrate with but for Steve and I..this little group was our family since our own never bothered to be part of our lives.

"Ready for this? Everything looks great" Steve says patting my head and I look up nodding

"Thanks for the help I really appreciate it, I definitely wouldn't have been able to do all this myself" i laugh looking at all of our work

"It was no problem really." He reassures me "so who said yes to coming" He questioned

"Pretty much everyone. Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie, Dustin, El, Max, Lucas, Will, and Mike. OH and Joyce and Hopper are coming too, they said they wanted to make sure we were not drinking or anything" I laugh

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