the dare pt.2

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Requested by: @Althea273749

Summary: pt.2 of the dare lol but tbh it could be its own oneshot

3k words


Hawkins was still in shambles and still being rebuilt but I guess that was no excuse for my parents because they left me alone in the house so they can "get a break from this",  they went on a mini vacation to hawaii for the week..yes without me.

I still have not seen Jackson, Greta, or Jessica since our last encounter but I was grateful. I seem to have surrounded myself with true friends like Steve, Nancy, Dustin, and of course my girlfriend Robin. I was just preparing myself for Robin to come since she said she had news for me and just told me she would be here in 20 minutes. It was very vague but she seemed very excited because she was quick to hang up after quickly telling me this.

I rushed to get ready because I looked like a mess when she called and right now I was quickly putting on chapstick and fixing my hair. When I felt like I was a bit presentable the doorbell rang and I quickly went downstairs fixing my clothes one last time. When I open it I see a bouncing Robin who had the largest smile on her face.

She squeals and rushes in and before even saying hello she brought me into her arms and picked me up twirling me around making me burst out laughing with her. When she puts me down she closes the gap between us kissing me sweetly. When we part I have a smile painted on my face.

"Hello to you too babe" I giggle and Robin flushes a bit

"I have to tell you something" She brings my hands into hers and I nod

"I can tell" I tease and close the front door taking her up to my room.

Once we got there Robin was quick to pace around my room.

"Okay so you know how I said I don't think my parents would be very accepting of me?" She looks at me and I nod "Well I was rambling about you to them and I let it slip that you were my girlfriend and I think I almost died in that moment because I was so scared of their reaction. I expected them to hate me at that point but guess what? THEY ACCEPTED ME!" She jumps up and down and I smile fondly at her "They had this whole sappy speech about loving me no matter what and told me they were proud of me and they are happy I found someone like you because they can tell you were a good person" She suddenly stops pacing and slowly makes her way towards me "Which they aren't wrong about'' She leans down to place a kiss on my cheek making me blush and grab her face to pull her into an actual kiss. Robin laughs into the kiss but leans deeper into me. I fall back on my bed with Robin hovering over me while we kiss and when we separate we just stare into eachothers eyes with goofy smiles painted on our faces.

"I'll never get tired of that '' Robin sighs and falls on the bed to the space next to me looking up at my ceiling.

"I'm so happy for you Rob" I grab her hand and move to face her and Robin follows. "Your parents are absolute angels and I'm so happy they accepted you." I place a kiss on her hand

"They accepted us" She corrected me and I smiled but a lingering sad feeling seemed to go on my face. I guess Robin saw it because her eyebrows pulled together.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I smile thankful for her and I bring up my hand to smooth her skin between her eyebrows, something I often find myself doing to both me and her.

I was very happy for Robin. Trust me she deserves the world and even more but it saddens me because my parents aren't like that.

"Its just..I wish I had parents like you" I start and feel Robin caress my hand in hers "You know my parents aren't accepting, that's the reason why I wasn't accepting of gay people before we met'' I sigh "If I told them, I don't think they would be very accepting. I don't know what I would do then, I mean they were never the perfect parents, they literally left me behind in their vacation, but I still love them. They raised me and I wish they would love me unconditionally but I just..I don't know" I frown and Robin has a sad look in her eyes too.

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