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Summary: Robin joins your band for the week

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I was packing my things for the next band meeting with Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, and Damien. I was the lead singer of the infamous group called Corroded Coffin. My parents forced me to sing at my 8th grade talent show and that ended up being the same talent show Eddie first appeared with Corroded Coffin, I guess after he saw me sing he was impressed because he went up to me after and asked to join his band.

After that I went to Gareth's garage weekly to practice and we had many shows with huge crowds but Eddie never likes to brag about it so he always says there's a couple of drunks at the shows. I had everything ready and I just filled my bottle of water before biking to Gareth's house since it was just a couple blocks away. Once I got there I saw Gareth and Jeff just having a conversation.

"Where's Eddie and Damien?" I ask putting my stuff down prepping my mic.

"Not here yet" Gareth smiles at me "I'm sure they will be here soon though, we have that concert next week and you know Eddies have been on our asses about that so no way they are gonna skip."

As if on cue I hear Eddie's truck in the distance blasting his metal music so the whole neighborhood can hear. Once Eddie parks he gets out of his car with a bit of a sad look on his face.

"Ed's what's wrong?" Jeff asks, also taking notice of his mood.

"Damien's gonna be a no show for the concert next Friday" Eddie sighs, placing his guitar on the stand. "He broke his arm so he cant play the drums"

"Shit" Gareth says "Now who's gonna play the drums? None of us know how!" Gareth begins to pace around the room already stressing out.

"Calm down I already called someone" Eddie says as his frozen was replaced with a small smile.

"Wait what, who?" I ask

"Dustin's band friend, Robin Buckley. He says Robin knows how to play a bunch of different instruments, including the drums. I gave her our setlist and she was quick to say yes!" We all cheered at the news. I felt bad for Damien but I'm also glad we won't be totally screwed. I never met Robin, just heard a lot about her and Steve from Dustin.

'They are platonic with a capital P' is what Dustin always told me

"So she's gonna be coming today?" Jeff asks

"Yup she should be here any second" Eddie checks his watch.

"HEY!" I hear a voice in the distance and I see a girl with caramel hair biking towards us. She was wearing converse with some jeans and a tucked in band tee while her hair was messily brought up to a bun. She suddenly parks her bike right in front of the house and quickly heads towards us.

"I'm Robin! The new drummer, well drummer until Damien comes back but yes you're new drummer..for now" She rambles a bit and I feel my cheeks heat up because she was so cute.

"Hi! Nice to meet you I'm y/n" I reach my hand out to her and see Robin freeze up a bit before quickly going to shake mine back.


I felt so sweaty at this moment, one because I biked really hard since I realized I was running a bit late but also because the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on has said my name just now and all I could do was stand still until I awkwardly shook her hand. I saw y/n around Eddie at school and I thought she was alluring but we didn't have classes together ot at all so I didn't know much about her.

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