holiday mess pt.3

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summary: just read pt.1 and 2 bffs lmao

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"You're an asshole" Nancy says sighing

"I know and I need to fix this." I say

"Listen Rob, I'm going to be completely honest with you..I don't know if you can fix this. I love you but she has all the right to never want to see you again" She says driving

"I know but I want to at least try" I say frustrated

"Hey wait, where am I taking you exactly?" She asks

"Um, Steve's house. I need to talk to him" Nancy just nods, driving over in Steve's direction.

Once we got to his house I said my thanks to Nancy and waved goodbye. I walk up to Steve's door and knock.

Steve opens the door and his smiling face was quickly replaced with a frown

"Robin" He says

"Steve please can we just talk" I ask pleading as his shoulders relax as he sighs

"Fine" He steps aside to let me in.

"Okay I know that by now y/n has probably told you everything." I start and Steve nods "and I want to fix it. I didn't mean anything I said"


"I know I know it wont be easy because I fucked up BAD but I want to try. I can't live without her Steve. I regret everything, I need to treat her better. I took her for granted and now I understand that. I can't lose her Steve. I won't be able to forgive myself for losing the one good thing life has given me. I need her because I'm absolutely and utterly in love with her." I say catching my breath and Steve stares at me eyes wide. "Please" I beg


I smile and give him a hug but he backs away

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I just remembered something" He ran off to his room but I quickly heard his footsteps returning. He handed me a small white box that had a red bow wrapped around it.

"Merry Christmas" He says

I look down at the box and see the note on it

'To: Robin From: Y/n♡ ' in her signature handwriting

I quickly ripped open the box and saw a small cloth bag and I opened it. 2 beautiful crystal necklaces were inside, I can tell y/n made them since it was hand wired and was on a black adjustable string that she makes all her necklaces from.

A note fell and I picked it up

'I know you don't like cheesy heart necklaces but I REALLY wanted us to match so I made us this! SURPRISE HEHE I hope you like it I love you so much ♡' - From Y/n

My heart soared from her note but I felt even shittier knowing how I treated her. I sniffled a bit putting on the necklace refusing to ever take it off from now on.

~Time skip~


It's new year's eve. I've been distant from everyone ever since the party but Steve invited me to his New years party and I couldn't decline. I refuse to spend New Year's alone wallowing in my own pity. I picked out a good outfit for the new year and was proud of my choice. The only person I talked to was Steve so I haven't seen or talked to anyone else since then but I missed them a lot.

I got out of bed and took a very needed shower, it felt nice to finally be looking after myself.

I deserve it.

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